Posts Tagged Under: communication

Beat Distractions and Stay Focused at Work with Hubgets

Get more done and limit unnecessary distractions at work 🙂 We all agree that is important. And it’s not just because we work more than half of our waking hours, but also due to the amount of time we spend not doing our actual job. We put in less time writing, creating, coding, designing, or whatever we’re good at than sitting in meetings, emailing, briefing and debriefing, giving feedback. All in all, we spend a lot of time doing everything we can so that, at the end of the day, the whole team is on the same page.

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All Aboard the Team Board

Did you see it the last time you logged in on Hubgets? Or maybe after we’ve asked you to refresh the page because we have some new features for you. It’s entirely possible you just clicked on a status update and found it. But yeah, it’s true. We now have a neat Team Board ready to gather all your teammates’ status updates in one place.

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Make Work More Fun with Emojis

Emoji has been the word of the year in 2015 and for good reasons: it’s everywhere! From social media posts to chats and advertising campaigns, these tiny ideograms and smileys have taken over the world 😀 Since images speak louder than words, they’ve turned into a fun form of digital communication. And we’re big fans ❤️‍

Sometimes emojis say it better

Think about it this way – scientists have proven that emojis come with great benefits for teamwork and collaboration. Writing takes away important non-verbal information, and this is how we can counter it. It’s not just about embellishment, these quirky characters can turn into stand alone sentences and speak volumes. When working with other people, not only they save space, but they also convey emotion. The messages are no longer dry, they have a personal touch, and express the creativity of the sender.

Language is dynamic and it’s greatly shaped by the people using it. With emojis, you can witness the development of a personal language and inside jokes, specific to teams. Being informal and natural will turn into a great business asset.

Introducing the new emoji set in Hubgets

We already told you that Hubgets ❤️‍ emojis. This is why we have integrated a library with many categories. Since there are over 880 of them to pick out from, you won’t have any trouble expressing your feelings or making creative combinations. A world of possibilities lies ahead 🙂
Our emojis are compatible with the default sets on several devices and operating systems, so things won’t get lost in translation.
And using them is really a piece of cake on Hubgets. You can just click the icon and insert one.

Inserting an emoji

Inserting an emoji

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UC&C Is Headed to the Cloud

Photo by Jonathan Simcoe on Unsplash

Success in business depends as much on innovation as it does on adaptability, strategy, marketing, and of course solid investments. The evidence in favor of digital investments as a key driver is overwhelming. In the not too distant future, a company’s communication and collaboration efforts will be inherently reliant on cloud technology. And the reason is simple: everybody’s doing it, and he who doesn’t falls behind in reach, discoverability, customer satisfaction and many other areas that make or break a business.

Fierce competition, but also the always-on nature of cloud solutions, forcefully dictate the need to incorporate technology as a business strategy. Research conducted by IDG Enterprise gives us a bird’s eye view of the direction of spending, areas of investment and drivers, with a focus on the communication tools employed (or soon-to-be-employed) at large companies

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Your Invisible Business Phone

We developed Hubgets with the goal to make our teamwork as smooth as possible. Then, we shared it with the world. With Hubgets, you can have cohesive teams and a flexible work policy. You can reach people half way across the globe using the same mechanism you would to buzz a colleague 10 feet away. Today, we’ll look at the Phone component in Hubgets.

Business phone in the browser

Hubgets Phone

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Mass Messaging Done Right

Not all collaboration apps are made equal, everybody knows it. There are features that all users need and there are features all users dream about 😉 In addition to the voice and video features, file sharing, topic creation, presence, availability, and other neat tricks, Hubgets has another ace up its sleeve: selective mass messaging. When you have urgent notices to send out with no time to open a new chat window for every person, mass messaging is a must-have. Hubgets does it in more ways than one.

Mass Messaging Done Right

Sending a mass message in Hubgets

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3 Ways Technology Made Communication Possible Where It Wasn’t

Photo by Aler Kiv on Unsplash

They say technology dehumanizes us. But not everyone buys it. It changes us, granted, but does it strip us of what makes us human – that is, exercise our intellect? As onlookers of the food chain, humans have the luxurious ability to imagine and then create a tool for just about anything. So it would appear that technology not only doesn’t dehumanize us, it defines us.

Having more options never hurt anyone. Professor Stephen Hawking surely agrees. He’d find it very hard (harder than it already is) to bless the scientific community with his ideas without the assistive technology that enables him to speak. A stranded person would give an arm and a leg for a radio. A long-distance relationship would be hard to bear without instant messaging. And so on, and so forth. Communication has benefited immensely from technological feats like the telephone, the radio, and the Internet. Below, we will focus on three often-overlooked scenarios where communication, in the absence of technology, can be a serious burden

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How Teamwork Cuts Time in Half [Infographic]

Synergy can be of massive help if you know how to use it.  For that, we want to share with you this infographic that summarizes 11 ways in which you can put yourself into hyper-productive mode by guarding your time, procrastinating wisely, working in groups, and others alike.

Image Credit: Veri Ivanova (

Image Credit: Veri Ivanova (

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Collaboration Is More Than “All-In-One”

I’m sure you’ve been in situations where one minute you’re posting on Twitter, the next you’re checking your inbox or answering a chat message. And two minutes later you’re in a call while skimming an article someone shared on Facebook, wondering whenever you got there in the first place. Simply put, we have too many networks to keep an eye on and too little time on our hands. Fortunately, there are solutions and one of them comes from Hubgets.
Collaboration Is More Than All-In-One | Hubgets

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