Posts Tagged Under: communication

Attend 4PSA Partner Meetup in Madrid to Accelerate Your Business

Two weeks ago we announced the 4PSA Partner Meetup that will take place in Madrid, Spain at the beginning of summer on June 1-2, 2015. We want to see you there, face to face, and chat the good old-fashioned way 🙂 You will also be able to meet with fellow service providers, exchange ideas, share experience, and have some drinks.

Besides the fun part, there are lots of reasons to join us there. In April we released VoipNow 3.5, in the following days we’ll be launching VoipNow Mobile 2.0 and VoipNow 3.6, and Hubgets is round the corner. With every new version, we are extending the feature set, creating new opportunities for service providers. We want to make sure that you know how to make money out of all the new stuff.

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If You Could Have Just One Connected Device, What Would It Be?

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

The fine gents at IDC recently crunched some numbers and concluded that smartphone growth is poised to remain strong through 2019, chipping away at the PCs dwindling market-share. In just a few years from now, our pocket computers will reportedly make up 77.8% of the total smart connected device (SCD) shipments.

The IDC report says that the combined total market of connected devices – smartphones, tablets & 2-in-1s, and and PCs – is set to balloon from 1.8 billion units in 2014 to 2.5 billion units in 2019. Smartphones for their part will grow to represent the majority of total smart connected device (SCD) shipments by quite a margin, according to the metrics firm.

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New VoipNow Product Management Policy

VoipNow 3.5.0 GA will be released on Monday, 20 Apr 2015. It has been a very long ride for our most impressive release yet. We are very proud of it:

  • more than 2,000 JIRA issues solved (improvements, bugs, general tasks)
  • over 10k commits in the code base
  • over 40k hours of work

You will get a lot more details on Monday about the technical stuff. Meanwhile, you can get hot news from @VoipNowUpdates on Twitter.

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Quote of the Day by Lee Iacocca

Photo by Stella de Smit on Unsplash

They say a company’s best assets are its people, and there are a few dozen quotes out there that will tell you the exact same thing with slightly different words. Lee Iacocca said it too, but he also stressed how to keep those people at the company, entice them to do great work, and move the company forward every day.

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CeBIT 2015 Officially Debuts

The largest international computer expo in the world, bigger even than China’s COMPUTEX, CeBIT today officially kicked off a new edition featuring an awe-inspiring introduction signed Angela Merkel and Jack Ma.

The event’s organizers were proud to report today that the 2,800 tickets available for the opening ceremony were sold out in record time – hardly a surprise, considering who took the stage to make this year’s introduction.

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To Boldly Go Where No Wi-Fi Has Gone Before

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Here at 4PSA we’re obsessed with making communication not just accessible and affordable, but also simple and even profitable for our customers. We work tirelessly to connect the dots for service providers, but we also take pleasure in tracking the advent of wireless technology in places where it’s considered a rare commodity.

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Apple Watch Makes Its Triumphant Debut

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

During a special showcase months in the making Apple today finally unveiled what promises to be best smartwatch introduced to the market. Besides the wearable, CEO Tim Cook also lifted the cloth off a stunning new MacBook, and ResearchKit – a way for everyone to contribute to treating common diseases.

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What’s Most Important in Sales?

It started with a tweet…

Most people try to sell to anyone with a pulse. Big mistake. Selling to no-targets costs a lot & is usually non-repetitive. Focus!

This made me think of something all companies, big or small, older or younger face every day. The combination of finding the right customers and creating replicable selling scenarios makes all the difference.

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