Posts Tagged Under: communication

Collaboration Is More Than “All-In-One”

I’m sure you’ve been in situations where one minute you’re posting on Twitter, the next you’re checking your inbox or answering a chat message. And two minutes later you’re in a call while skimming an article someone shared on Facebook, wondering whenever you got there in the first place. Simply put, we have too many networks to keep an eye on and too little time on our hands. Fortunately, there are solutions and one of them comes from Hubgets.
Collaboration Is More Than All-In-One | Hubgets

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How Often Do You Pull Out Your “Digital Cigarette?”

Contextual analytics is a useful tool for assessing effectiveness of your advertising efforts. Knowing when and where your customers are likely to view your ads can make or break your campaign, so it’s important to check the trends every now and then.

People are social creatures. They like to get together and chat when they finish work or during weekends, be it at home, in another person’s home, in bars and restaurants, clubs, art galleries, etc. But people also do a lot of their communication and socializing on their smartphones. In fact, the smartphone has become every marketer’s best bet in terms of platform

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Our Secret for Seamless Internal Communication

In an organization where communication is on the low, disarray creeps in. Misunderstandings lead to missed deadlines, lost opportunities, revenue drops and, of course, headaches. Not metaphorically, but the actual aching. So how do you encourage company-wide input and feedback? Well, one thing we know for a fact is that it takes more than a chatty manager 😉 Let’s Hubgets!

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The Real Reason Why Millenials Aren’t Answering Their Phones

Photo by Fezbot2000 on Unsplash

When speaker Ryan Jenkins was approached by an audience member saying that his Millennial workforce was much more comfortable with texting compared to phone calls, he took it as further evidence that this was indeed the case and identified five reasons why this might be.

To his credit, Jenkins dots the “i” with some of his observations. Chief among them is the presumptuous nature of the practice, which implies that you drop everything to pick up the phone, without any fair warning as to what the caller has to say and how it will affect your workflow, or for how long. But that’s where I draw the line regarding the negative side of voice calls. Characterizations like time consuming, distracting, superfluous, and ineffective are the product of a subjective analysis, even though none of these are false either

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Research Uncovers Strong Correlation Between Competition and Creativity

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

Collaboration has some undeniable perks, from brainstorming to actually building upon an idea. But what about creating things that don’t require the input of an entire team? A logo, for instance. Can the rivalry between a bunch of designers racing to draw the best design for one paying company actually improve the outcome? As it turns out, it can. But only when the competition dial is turned to just the right level

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3 (Busted) Myths About Communication

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

The Unified Communications (UC) market is chock full of media meant to promote the use of technology for communication and collaboration. Overall, that’s a good thing. But the nature of the materials is often abstract, trading the human element for the tech jargon.

In reality, technology only assists the transmission of information, which can actually detrimental to communications in the absence of basic skills, such as friendliness, feedback, or eye contact (in the case of video calling). Below, we bust three myths about “good communication” that get tossed around in marketing materials, including counter-marketing ones

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Jobs Involving Communication Hardest to Replace by Machines

Want to stay relevant as machines gradually take over the world? Pick a job that can’t be automated. The work done by humans is getting systematically replaced by devices as time progresses and technology makes new leaps forward. It’s a fact of life that our society is all too familiar with. But there are still plenty of tasks that will be hard to replace by gadgets.

The jobs that machines fumble over are incidentally the same jobs that make life exciting. Choreographers, fire fighters, chiropractors, art directors, coaches, and many others can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that robots won’t render them irrelevant any time soon

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How to Sound Good Over the Phone

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Making sure you sound good over the phone is critical to building a good rapport with your clients. Whether you’re converting a lead into a buying customer or troubleshooting a technical issue, there are many techniques you can use to get the person on the other end of the line to really like you. Here are some of them.

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Here’s One Reason Why You Should Definitely Hire More Women


Here's One Reason Why You Should Definitely Hire More Women

When we set out to develop Hubgets, we started with the customer’s problem – fragmented collaboration – then we began building. Creating a top-notch product for a non-existing market gets you nowhere. You want to analyze the problem first, then find the solution.

This mindset isn’t typical in business, believe it or not. Many companies create products with their fingers crossed behind their backs hoping someone will buy them. We don’t think that’s the right way to go. That’s why we designed Hubgets to look and feel a lot like a social networking platform – one that people would know how to pick up and use at first glance, creating a lean learning path for everyone looking to boost their collaborative efforts, internally and externally.

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UCaaS Beats Perpetual Licensing Any Day Of The Week

Cloud-reliant software and services have enabled a paradigm shift for developers and service providers alike. Once based on the buy-once-use-forever concept, the acquisition of software and services has gravitated towards a licensing business model that has proved to be far more lucrative for every party involved, from the people who code the solution to the end users.

A recent report by Nemertes Research indicates that Unified Communications (UC) solutions, or Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), are selling much better as subscription bundles, as opposed to perpetual licensing which involves a large upfront investment. And it’s hardly a surprise.

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