Posts Tagged Under: boosting productivity

How Staying Fit Helps Your Health and Makes You More Productive at Work

Moving your body regularly helps you fight off chronic disease, while improving your overall mood and keeping your waistline small, but staying fit is about more than looking good. Plus, the promise of a better body is likely not enough of a motivator to get you to the gym anyway.

Research from the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), however, may have discovered the motivation you need to start working out once and for all. According to HERO, employees who ate healthy meals and exercised on a regular basis had better job performance and lower absenteeism. In fact, employees who ate healthy all day long were 25 percent more likely to have higher job performance.

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How Leaders Help Their Team Achieve Maximum Productivity

Good leaders want their team to give their best and achieve maximum productivity at work. And it is in their power to help people reach their full potential.

As their leader, your team looks up to you and your influence will have a great impact over their lives. This article is meant to help you discover a few strategies that will inspire people and empower them to obtain better results with their work.

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Three Nontraditional Ways to Boost Productivity

For a second, I challenge you to leave aside everything you’ve learned or heard about productivity so far. Every advice that prompts you to wake up before sunrise and read your goals out loud every night. The purpose of this article is not to invalidate the oldest tricks in the book. However, we cannot ignore the fact that many recipes are either hard to follow, or simply won’t work for a lot of people. The good news is there are ways to boost productivity 🙂
Three Nontraditional Ways to Boost Your Productivity

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3 Ways to Wire Your Brain to Be More Productive

3 Ways to Rewire Your Brain to Be More Productive

Be more productive to experience life to its fullest. It’s the chant of the decade. For many, however, it’s also an impossible dream. There are limits to what you can achieve. And there are limits to how well you can do it. It used to be that you could stay ahead. Now you need to do your best to keep up.
3 Ways to Wire Your Brain to Be More Productive

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Boosting Productivity with Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment

Boost Your Productivity with Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment

Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment might sound like a Star Trek Discovery title episode. Moreover, using them for boosting productivity mind sound over the top. In reality, these concepts predate the first Star Trek. And while the so-called “mind-machines” were very popular in the 60’s, today everything is about boosting productivity.
As an illustration, consider this scenario. You’re at work and you need to be productive. Hence, you put some headphones on and play some sounds while working. In effect, your attention span increases. Meanwhile, your focus gets stronger, deeper. Moreover, the overall quality of your work improves. To say nothing of your mood. Subtly improved, your mood becomes work-positive. You end up doing more, faster, better.
Boosting Productivity with Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment

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