Alice Calin' Post

How to Work with a Bad Listener

Effective communication is crucial for success in any workplace. For the process to be effective, you need good speakers and good listeners. When someone is an ineffective speaker or a bad listener and communication fails, it can lead to misunderstandings, errors, and missed opportunities.

How to Work with a Bad Listener

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Short guide on how to become a better active listener

As social beings, communication is an essential part of our lives. We communicate with others to share our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. However, communication is not just about speaking; it also involves active listening. Active listening is the ability to fully concentrate on what someone is saying, understand their perspective, and respond appropriately. In this article, we will discuss the importance of active listening and how you can become a better active listener.

Short guide on how to become a better active listener

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12 Common Types of Communication in the Workplace

Communicating effectively within a company is critical both for the organization, but also for the individuals involved. The most successful people on the planet are the best communicators. The most successful companies are those able to communicate their message in the most effective ways. At this point, the importance of communication in the workplace is unquestionable. However, it can be classified in several ways, depending on who, and how, is sending, and receiving the message.

Common Types of Workplace Communication

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How to Tackle the 6 Most Common Remote Work Challenges

Most of the employees working from home seem to enjoy their working arrangements, with 77 percent even claiming that they feel more productive. The trend seems to keep rising, even though some companies have called their employees back to the office. However, remote work is not all milk and honey. Employees working from home also have to face a series of challenges.

How to Tackle the Most Common Remote Work Challenges

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Strategies to Combat the Loneliness of Remote Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work. Many employees are still working from home or in a hybrid system. While working remotely comes with advantages, there are also many drawbacks. One of the most significant challenges of hybrid and remote workers is dealing with loneliness.

Strategies to Combat the Loneliness of Remote Workers

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Email Best Practices for a Productive Workplace

Together with instant messaging, email is one of the world’s most popular means of communication and a favorite of businesses and marketers everywhere. Over half of the world’s population has an email account. The average office employee receives approximately 126 emails per day. That means a lot of time spent reading, sorting, and replying to emails during a workday. To help you deal with this more effectively, we put together a list of email best practices for a productive workplace.

Email Best Practices for a Productive Workplace

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Get More Done: Habits of Highly Productive People

We all strive to get more done, but there’s only so much time in a day, and we only have so much energy. However, there are people around us who seem to have found the holy grail of productivity. They rarely seem tired, never procrastinate, and rarely complain about not having enough time. If you wonder what is the secret of these highly productive people, read on. We put together a list of their habits that will hopefully help you get more done too.

Get More Done: Habits of Highly Productive People

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