Posts Tagged Under: team communication

Team decisions

Prioritize Team Decisions to Improve Leadership and Team Trust

Team decisions are a productivity enhancing process. In short, it enables teams to take on some executive-level decision-making. It’s based on distilling managerial-level challenges. Clearing the decision space for the leader. Allowing the leader to focus on what’s important. Long-term strategy. Or large, tough spontaneous issues. Team decisions might sound like pampering the leader. Like they’re a way to cut down on leadership decisions.
But team decisions are more than treating the leader as a glass canon. They’re a way to offer some head space and focus. Effectively, they enable managers to make headway on strategically important decisions. Meanwhile, the team structure takes care of the rest; to an extent, they’re default decisions.
Team decisions

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Maximize Your Work Time

Maximize Your Work Time with These 5 Easy Steps

Work time is a salad that mixes productivity with breaks. Undeniably, breaks can make you more productive, yet many of them eventually turn out to be ineffective or simply unnecessary. By default, work time is expected to be productive. Markedly, either by doing more or better or both. So far, these are the two main approaches to boosting productivity. And most types of work require a mix of the two.
Maximize Your Work Time

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micromanage your team

Why and How You Should Stop Micromanaging Your Team

Micromanaging derives from positive traits such as a proactive attitude and attention to detail. These are not bad to start with, but they become toxic when combined with an obsession for control, and inability to trust others.
Micromanaging other people is a difficult job. You end up doing a big and important part of your team’s work and get hated for it. In this article, you will find out to what extent you are micromanaging your team, why you shouldn’t be, and how to stop it.
micromanage your team

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Team Dynamics Is More Than Finding the Right Mix of People

Team dynamics are, in essence, processes and behaviors transpiring among team members. Team dynamics have a profound, albeit subtle impact. They influence both team performance and overall productivity. Indeed, the key dynamics of any team stem from roles and responsibilities. But it goes deeper than that. This guide covers team dynamics at length. To that end, we will follow both theory and practice over a series of articles. Even more, each article in this series offers actionable tips.

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3 Ways to Survive Toxic Workplaces

Workplace politics are tough to follow. But working in a toxic workplace is hard to deal with. Sometimes you might feel like you’re living a nightmare. Every day you have to go to a workplace that simply poisons your life. There are many ways this can happen. And there are solutions to a toxic workplace. Just keep reading.
4 Signs You're in a Toxic Workplace and 4 Ways to Survive It

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The Teamwork Guide: How to Be a Better Team Player (Part 3)

Team players always focus on team efforts. And teamwork and productivity go hand in hand. When every team member does a brilliant job, the overall results will match. And it’s our job to make sure we accommodate the team.
Even romantic relationships can be difficult to find and develop. And those typically involve 2 people. Recruiting, onboarding and developing a team member can be even more difficult. Firstly, there are many more people involved. Secondly, the incentives and end goals are different. Lastly, the strategy may or may not be based on exclusivity.
Truth be told, teams go through a long and difficult process to ensure the “right fit.” And that’s why teamwork doesn’t just happen. And it’s not too much to ask for a team player to step up and meet the team level. It might sound surprising. But today being “good at teams” is still a skill.
Teamwork Guide: How to Be a Better Team Player

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The Smart Entrepreneur’s List of Productivity Hacks (Part 3)

Most entrepreneurs are quick to experience fatigue. It’s only natural. There are simply so many decisions to make. Anything can go wrong, anytime. And some days are plain awful. Some days you might want to shut everything down. And move somewhere and fish for a living. Or fix fishing nets.
It is the work. Being an entrepreneur is a lot of work. And everything about that work is special. You deal with countless items every day. Product, strategy, development, marketing. New markets, optimizing. Or too much optimizing.
Productivity hacks are not a cheat. Instead, think of them as an enhancement to your productivity. A regular working experience has certain limitations. Entrepreneurship does not.
Productivity hacks for smart entrepreneurs

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