Search Results for: productivity box

The Productivity Box: Let the Music Guide You Through the Flow

Do you have a coworker who always seems to have their headphones in, tapping along with the beat or mouthing the lyrics? Maybe you are that coworker who can’t get through the day without your favorite playlists. Have you ever thought about why music is so important to your workday, whether you’re only listening to a few songs or a whole opera?

The Productivity Box: Let the Music Guide You Through the Flow

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The Productivity Box: Breaking the Mental Health Paradigm at Work

The current workplace environment looks caught between a rock and a hard place. With 77 percent of full-time US employees working from home, we still have record-high levels of remote workers. Yet, in-spite of distributed locations, leaders want their teams to be highly productive. And all of this on top of a sanitary crisis. So, are you ready to dive headfirst into the mental health paradigm at work? Let’s do it!

The Productivity Box: Solving the Mental Health Paradigm at the Workplace

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Tips and Tricks on How to Improve Your Attention Span

Productivity Hacks on How to Improve Your Attention Span

It has been demonstrated that attention spans are shrinking. People are constantly inundated with short videos, bite-size content, and endless stimuli that prevent them from really focusing on one thing at a time. Even corporate training materials have moved toward digestible content. Though not necessarily a bad thing, it highlights the necessity for companies to accommodate workers who are easily distracted. Similarly, as you tailor your marketing messages for your target audience, you must also modify your communication methods to suit their attention span.

Productivity Hacks on How to Improve Your Attention Span

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Top 40 Productivity Experts to Follow on X (Twitter) in 2024

When it comes to work efficiency, productivity stands out as one of the most extensively studied topics. However, finding the most proficient productivity experts today can prove to be quite challenging. Sometimes, it feels like searching for a needle in a haystack 🙂 Fortunately, X (formerly Twitter) can be a useful tool to discover and follow content creators whose insights you might find helpful. By keeping track of their activity, you can stay up-to-date with their ideas and thoughts. Below is the list we’ve assembled for you.

Top 40 Productivity Experts to Follow on X (Twitter) in 2024

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