Posts in Category: industry

Technology Delivers Only When You Ask The Right Questions

Photo by Ramón Salinero on Unsplash

Is the product that you’re about to deploy user friendly, interoperable, scalable? Is your company waiting for others to take the plunge to consider new technology safe or viable? Does the product require radical infrastructure modifications to be deployed? These are just some of the questions that need to be asked when scouring the market for Unified Communications & Collaboration solutions.

What is Unified Communications anyway? Ask ten different people and you’re likely to get ten different answers. The reality is that UC has been waiting on the launch pad for well over a decade, and yet only a handful of industries have managed to wrap their heads around it. How did they do it? Simple. By asking these questions before buying.

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Cloud Infrastructure Is Booming on Growing Demand for Services

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Vendor revenue from sales of server, storage, and Ethernet switches for cloud IT has recorded a 25.1% spike (year over year) to reach $6.3 billion in the first quarter of 2015, IDC reports.

The numbers are impressive, but those who keep their eyes peeled on the cloud market will undoubtedly notice a pattern here. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Cloud IT Infrastructure Tracker, this is actually the second wave of growth in the five quarters tracked by IDC year-over-year. Spending followed a similar pattern in 1Q15. Some numbers:

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What Makes A ‘Serial’ Entrepreneur

Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash

Okay, so the headline may sound a little scary. But being a serial-something doesn’t always yield negative consequences. In entrepreneurship, it’s actually a revered quality.

A report titled “The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur,” which inspired this neat infographic, highlights some very interesting things. For example, entrepreneurship doesn’t run in the family as often as we’ve been taught to think. Or, if you’re 30 and still haven’t made the cut, don’t worry – most magnates started raking in their fortunes much later.

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Cloud Computing In Europe

Cloud computing is quickly becoming a popular household name. Nowadays, everyone takes advantage of all the flexibility and accessibility that the cloud has to offer.

In the last couple of years we’ve witnessed incredible growth in cloud adoption all over the world. More and more institutions are embracing these types of solutions, and because of that, cloud advocacy is at an all time high. As it is often the case with new tech, adoption rates will vary. The US is currently leading the cloud revolution with the highest arrogation rate. Europe is close behind, however some territories seem to be complete strangers to cloud computing.

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Graphene And Its ‘Cousins’ Need More Than Just A Killer App

Photo by Ousa Chea on Unsplash

Graphene isn’t exactly a hot topic anymore, but its properties remain unchanged – and vastly unexplored. Andre Geim, one of the fathers of the exotic material, admits this much in an interview with Nature magazine.

Together with his colleague Konstantin Novoselov, Geim won the Nobel Prize in Physics for being the first to isolate and explore the impressive properties of the material – a single sheet of carbon, one-atom thick, with foreseeable application in computing, aeronautics, and pretty much every other industry. If anyone should be asked about the state of graphene, it should be him.

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Africa Skips Landlines, Goes Straight To Mobility

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The death of fixed phones is near. But there’s one place on the planet where this is more obvious than anywhere else: Africa. Landlines are almost nowhere to be found south of the Sahara desert, while cell phones are anything but scarce, according to the results of a Pew Research Center survey of seven African nations. But despite the cell phone’s increased popularity in Africa, far less people own a smartphone there than in the United States.

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The UC Market: The Place Where Bad News Is Good News

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According to the “Enterprise Unified Communications and Voice Equipment” report by IHS Infonetics, global enterprise PBX revenue fell 6 percent in the first quarter of 2015 (year-over-year), as more and more businesses are said to have discovered the cloud.

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5 Ways To Achieve Cloud Maturity & Taste The Sweet Fruits Of Victory

The cloud is on the rise. Just shy of 80% of organizations are seriously considering adoption in one form or another, and almost 40% have already implemented cloud products and services in their operations. But according to research carried out by International Data Corporation (IDC) on 19,080 worldwide IT and LOB (line of business) respondents, mature Cloud-centric organizations are hard to come by.

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Mobility Nurtures Communication, And Teens Are Living Proof Of That

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What is social networking if not a giant fulcrum of communication? Even when we claim to be posting photos just to chronicle your trips, we all light up with joy when we see those virtual thumbs pointing upwards.

Posts and pokes, likes and dislikes, comments and replies, instant messaging, group messaging, forums, communities – all these mediums have one big thing in common: sharing information.

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