Posts Tagged Under: team dynamics

How to Speak Up In Meetings

To speak up in a meeting is considered public speaking, and according to Psychology Today, there are many reasons some people are afraid to do it:

  • Anxiety
  • Thoughts and beliefs about yourself
  • The situation (lack of experience, audience etc.)
  • Skills or lack thereof

However, speaking up in meetings is important for personal and professional reasons. When you share ideas or questions, you take part in the conversation, provide value, and show that you’re trying to be an active participant in the workplace. All of this can lead to being seen by upper management, which can be critical for moving ahead in your career.

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How to Have a Productive Monday at Work

If there was an award for the most loathed day of the week, Monday would definitely win the grand prize. It is the day closest and at the same time furthest away from the weekend. On Monday, professional life starts again after a small break that allowed you to experience freedom. It is the beginning of another five days of work and all the stress associated with that.

How to have a productive Monday at work

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Why It’s Worth Collaborating with Teammates (And How to Do It Productively)

Research at Stanford University found that those collaborating on a certain assignment will tend to persist with the task 64 percent longer than solo workers. This outcome, the study suggests, also leads to more enthusiasm, commitment and intrinsic motivation. And all of these have a notable impact on the success of the organization. 

The purpose of collaboration is to unite a group of people to complete a common objective or goal, in addition to sharing the workload. As such, collaboration is beneficial for employees and managers alike. Learn more about why your team should be collaborating more often and how you can harness these benefits in order to be more productive.  

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Nine Reasons Why Focusing at Work Becomes Difficult (And How to Tackle Them)

We all have moments, or even days, when we find focusing on work more difficult than usual. Sometimes the reasons are obvious, but other times we are stuck wondering what we are doing wrong and what’s happening to us. In this article we are going to explore these less recognizable factors that impair our ability to concentrate and properly accomplish our tasks.

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4 Ways to Increase Productivity While Working from Home

The frequency of remote work options have grown exponentially in the past decade, with an estimated 3.6 million Americans working from home in at least some capacity, based on State of the Remote Job Marketplace.

The remote work trend has notable perks for both employees and employers – no commute, time flexibility and minimal office costs. What’s more, a study of 500 employees from Stanford University reports that working from home can lead to a boost in productivity. For example, traditional office workers in the study lost time due to traffic on their commutes, periodic water-cooler breaks and other daily interruptions, while remote employees did not.

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Tips and Tricks for Successful Telecommuting

Remote work is a dream come true for all the introverts of our generation. It brings countless benefits for both employees and employers: higher productivity, lower costs, no time lost in traffic, no need to socialize on every break and no annoying mandatory meetings. You set your own schedule and only interact with a bunch of people without even seeing their faces or hearing their voices. Can it get any better than that?

Tips and tricks for a successful telecommuting

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How Leaders Help Their Team Achieve Maximum Productivity

Good leaders want their team to give their best and achieve maximum productivity at work. And it is in their power to help people reach their full potential.

As their leader, your team looks up to you and your influence will have a great impact over their lives. This article is meant to help you discover a few strategies that will inspire people and empower them to obtain better results with their work.

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