Posts Tagged Under: software

Why the Subscriptions Model vs. Owned Licensing Benefits You

As you develop your SaaS brand, you have two options for product pricing: offering a subscriptions service or selling your software under a one-time, perpetual license. A subscription service gives customers access to your software for as long as they pay for it, whether that means paying a year’s worth of access or paying monthly. Licensing it with a one-time payment gives your customers access to the software as it is and never have to re-pay.

Why the Subscriptions Model vs. Owned Licensing Benefits You

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Happy IWD 2022

Every year, on 8 March, the world marks the International Women’s Day. Some celebrate it with flowers, others with good wishes, and even more with empowering thoughts on gender equality. And IWD 2022 is no exception.

Heppy IWD 2022

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Wrapping up the Cool Summer Internship 2021

For the past 14 years, each summer we have been running an internship program for students and fresh graduates who are looking to improve their skills and gain real-life experience. And every year, we know the autumn has arrived when our Cool Summer Internship is wrapping up. So we asked a couple of interns from this year’s program to share some thoughts with us.

Wrapping up the 4PSA Cool Summer Internship 2021

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Five Ways to Sell SaaS B2B

Software-as-a-service, known as SaaS, is a $157 billion market, according to recent reports. With the increase of remote work due to the pandemic, the SaaS market will continue to expand, suggests TechCrunch. While this puts SaaS companies in a fast-growing and valuable industry, it also means there’s more competition than ever before.

Ways to sell B2B SaaS

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Micro-Goals: How to Hit Targets, Learn, and Reorganize

Micro-goals are a novel concept in strategy. They allow a tactical segmentation of organizational plans. In a sense, it’s like re-creating your organization at a micro-scale.
Micro-goals are a way for your organization to learn. You use them to determine what outcomes are achievable by a small, very special, task force. Then you measure the progress of such a team and learn as much as you can.
Micro-goals, or how to hit targets, learn, and reorganize

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How to Find the Best People for Your Startup

I strongly believe in the power of the right people in the right place. For a startup, this makes the difference between life and death. While there aren’t two startups alike, the things I will talk about in this article apply to all of them.

I was fortunate enough to learn a lot of things the hard way and I want to share them with both early entrepreneurs and people who are wasting their potential instead of joining a startup.


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Collaboration Is More Than “All-In-One”

I’m sure you’ve been in situations where one minute you’re posting on Twitter, the next you’re checking your inbox or answering a chat message. And two minutes later you’re in a call while skimming an article someone shared on Facebook, wondering whenever you got there in the first place. Simply put, we have too many networks to keep an eye on and too little time on our hands. Fortunately, there are solutions and one of them comes from Hubgets.
Collaboration Is More Than All-In-One | Hubgets

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Pizza as a Service [Infographic]

Remember the first time you landed on a paper about cloud computing “as a service?” How much of the tech jargon in there could you decipher? Chances are, not much, especially if your line of work rarely crosses paths with digital innovations.

Albert Barron, Sr. Software Client Architect at IBM, realized this on a bicycle ride when he rambled terms like SOA, WS, REST, JSON, SaaS, PaaS, and TLA to a friend who could barely articulate them back, let alone get the point of the story

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