Posts Tagged Under: security

Understanding Stir / Shaken: What It Is and How It Works

In today’s digital age, telecommunication plays a vital role in almost every aspect of our lives. However, along with the numerous advantages, there are also potential risks and challenges that need to be addressed. One such challenge is the issue of caller ID spoofing, where malicious actors manipulate the information that is displayed on a recipient’s caller ID screen. This deceptive practice often leads to fraudulent activities and an increased level of distrust among consumers. To combat this problem, the telecommunications industry has developed a revolutionary solution. In this article, we will delve into the basics of Stir/Shaken, explore its technical aspects, discuss its impact on businesses, and take a glimpse into its future.

Understanding Stir / Shaken: What It Is and How It Works

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Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs DNS Management Services

Today’s businesses increasingly rely on digital communication. Externally, search engines recommend that your website loads in less than half a second or customers could get impatient and bounce. Internally, 70 percent of email users in one study responded within 6 seconds of reading a message and 85 percent responded within 2 minutes. You don’t have time for your business to slow to a crawl because of a clogged server or due to poor DNS management.

Reasons Why Your Business Needs DNS Management Services

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Advantages of Using Cloud Based DNS for your Business

The Domain Name System (DNS) translates easily to remember domain names (like to machine-readable IP address (for example This is the reason you can have catchy domain names for your website instead of expecting your customers to remember a complex series of numbers or letters. Having a good DNS management is crucial for your bottom line. Let’s find out in this article why and how a cloud based DNS service can help your business.

Advantages of Using Cloud Based DNS for your Business

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A Printf’s Chink in the Door

There is a rich history of programming exploitation which makes use of the insecurity of the C memory model. To counteract the threats of memory corruption attacks, several techniques have been implemented. The problem still remains though, and since the programmer is responsible for making all the checks, even the most restrictive protection schemes have their limitations.

Radu is a Junior C/C++ software engineer on the Hubgets Core team. Since memory corruption attacks are something every programmer should be aware of, he came up with the idea of writing the current article, where he explains how some of these memory corruption attacks may happen, indicating a set of solutions that are presently applied to prevent them. You’ll also find a series of tips on how, under specific circumstances, one can use printf to inject instructions even under stiff security constraints.

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Tucked inside Forrester’s Cloud Predictions for 2016 is a tidbit about cloud security that I simply gave to share with our readers. Consider it a “quote of the day” substitute. But first, some context.

Analysts predict that, after reaching mainstream appeal in 2015, the cloud is set to shift into the next gear with the focus on expanding use cases and automation. As a result of this, the big boys will get bigger, and small players will have to up their game or die. Specifically, 2016 will be a shakeup year which will force many current providers to refocus on a narrower field, retreat from cloud or exit

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Security No Longer the ‘Top Worry’ in Cloud Computing

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Chief Technology Officers (CTO) and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) in today’s competitive landscape are often faced with making the tough decision to move operations (partially or entirely) to the cloud. This means letting go of legacy infrastructures – such as on-premises PBX phone systems – and embracing the versatility of Internet-based solutions.

For most of its existence, the cloud – particularly business-oriented cloud solutions – has been plagued by one major concern: security. It’s understandable. Keeping your data locked in a room on your site offers a sense of control. But it’s no safer than in a data center managed by experts who make it their business to secure the data. Data centers are a solid investment today, and executives are beginning to wake up and smell the roses.

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Kaspersky: When You Get Hacked, The First Wise Thing To Do Is Pray

At this year’s – the world’s biggest event for the hosting community – revered figures in the tech industry booked some stage time to discuss the latest trends, including ever-pressing matters like security.

Keen to hop on the WHD bandwagon with an eye on today’s networked world was none other than Eugene Kaspersky, the CEO of the namesake security company whose antivirus software runs on millions of computers worldwide.

The Russian malware crusader kicked off his video-streamed talk noting that traditional crime is moving into the cyberspace, while established cyber-criminals are getting much better at what they do. In short, malware is on the rise. Hardly a surprise since malware is always on the rise. The more interesting disclosures were yet to come.

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Cloud Trailblazers Reap Major Rewards

Many of us know that cloud offers enhanced collaboration, disaster recovery, increased scalability, and smaller costs. But do you realize there’s also a connection between the use of cloud computing and increased business agility?

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Senior Security Engineer Wanted

In a previous article we detailed on the team called Team Support. This is basically the team that provides the other 4PSA teams with input and resources so that they can work more efficiently.

Our latest opening in the Team Support (Bucharest, Romania) is quite an interesting one – Senior Security Engineer. What is this position doing in Team Support, you might ask… Two reasons: the person filling this position is going to report directly to upper management and in order to be efficient she/he should not be “corrupted” by a product team.

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