Posts Tagged Under: productivity

Beat Distractions and Stay Focused at Work with Hubgets

Get more done and limit unnecessary distractions at work 🙂 We all agree that is important. And it’s not just because we work more than half of our waking hours, but also due to the amount of time we spend not doing our actual job. We put in less time writing, creating, coding, designing, or whatever we’re good at than sitting in meetings, emailing, briefing and debriefing, giving feedback. All in all, we spend a lot of time doing everything we can so that, at the end of the day, the whole team is on the same page.

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Sweet God of Interruptions at Work

There’s a very good reason why I zone out when I have something to finish fast. That reason is usually associated with an annoying voice, but today it was associated with puppy eyes. Seriously, I feel that this is the best strategy to undermine a team’s focus under deadline. Enter #uberPuppies!
Puppy at Hubgets headquarters

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Make Work Fun Again

While many companies put a lot of effort into attracting and hiring new talent, the most successful ones are those who also know how to retain talent. We think that a fun work environment is in part what keeps our talented people together, so we thought we’d share our “recipe of success” here.
Make Work Fun Again

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How Teamwork Cuts Time in Half [Infographic]

Synergy can be of massive help if you know how to use it.  For that, we want to share with you this infographic that summarizes 11 ways in which you can put yourself into hyper-productive mode by guarding your time, procrastinating wisely, working in groups, and others alike.

Image Credit: Veri Ivanova (

Image Credit: Veri Ivanova (

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Collaboration for the Fast and Focused

Focused. Fast. Delivering great results. Leading by example. A big fan of collaboration. We’re all inspired by the amazing people who possess such traits. When they get in the team, new ways of doing things are defined and everything seems to be improving. Let’s take a closer look at what drives them, and their habits.

Image Credit: James Thomas (

Image Credit: James Thomas (

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Your Happiness Drives Your Productivity

Dale Carnegie, the famous American writer, used to say that people rarely succeed, unless they are having fun in what they are doing. Future experiments showed he was onto something 🙂 Turning frowns upside down seems to generate more work effort and engagement.

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Australia Will Lose $9.3 Billion This Year Because It Doesn’t Do Collaboration

Collaboration is a term we have assigned to the practice of communicating and working in groups, building on each other’s ideas with the end goal of delivering a great product, preferably something new and original.

Doing business in a competitive environment means companies need to become masters of collaboration, and it has been proved that unlocking the potential capacity and knowledge of a group increases that group’s satisfaction level by a factor of 10. As everyone knows, motivation is a key driver for growth

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The Psychology of Why We Go To Work Every Day

Everyone tells you that you have no obligation to hold on to a life-sucking job just because the pay is good. But the pay is necessary to put bread on the table, often not just for yourself but for a whole family. So how do you manage a situation where you hate what you do but you still have wake up every morning and go to that dreadful job?

As it turns out, you don’t have to do anything. It’s your manager who has to do something about it so that everyone gets what they deserve. But what?

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With The Right Collaboration Tools, Office Time Is Still Your Time

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Quick: what are your staffers doing at this very second? If you’re like most organizations, there’s a good chance many of your staffers are attending to personal matters. But who says it’s acceptable just because it happens in other offices too?

According to a recent survey of 2,000 office workers conducted by AtTask and Harris Interactive – experts in management and market research – employees at various firms said they only dedicate 45 percent of their time to getting stuff done. The remainder (55%) of the time gets spent sifting through emails, or in meetings that could easily be replaced by conference calls. Also on the list of common pastime activities was “miscellaneous interruptions.”

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