Posts Tagged Under: communication

How to Avoid Burnout While Working From Home

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working has become more and more widespread. According to Owl Labs’ State of Remote Work survey, at the beginning of this year, 62 percent of full-time employees in US worked remotely to some degree. By now, more than 65 percent are mostly working from home. And the already fragile work-life balance is once again under great pressure. Therefore, avoiding burnout and caring for the mental health of their employees have become paramount for companies from all over the world.

How to Avoid Burnout While Working From Home

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The Productivity Box: Breaking the Mental Health Paradigm at Work

The current workplace environment looks caught between a rock and a hard place. With 77 percent of full-time US employees working from home, we still have record-high levels of remote workers. Yet, in-spite of distributed locations, leaders want their teams to be highly productive. And all of this on top of a sanitary crisis. So, are you ready to dive headfirst into the mental health paradigm at work? Let’s do it!

The Productivity Box: Solving the Mental Health Paradigm at the Workplace

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Packing Your Day with Useless Meetings Is No Proxy for Productivity

Very often, people think that a full calendar is a proxy for productivity. A daily planner packed with meetings seems to satisfy most managers. However, more often than not, supervisors and team leaders are more productive when they are not spending all day in meetings. Their time is actually better used when they are working with their team, bringing real measurable results. 

Packing Up Your Day with Useless Meetings Isn't a Proxy for Productivity

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Wave After Wave, Will Coronavirus Change How We Work Together?

Six months into the new Coronavirus pandemic and we still have no clue when this crisis is going to end. Medical experts like Dr. Lisa Maragakis, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins, think that the pandemic’s first wave is gone. Most likely, we are now at the beginning of the second wave. So what does that mean for how people work together and businesses operate?

Will coronavirus change how we work together

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Making virtual teams work

For the past half of the year, the economy has been revolving around virtual teams more than ever before. With lockdown measures in place, the only way for companies and workers all over the world to keep their jobs and their business going was switching to virtual spaces. Adjusting to this new way of working hasn’t been easy for anyone. And it has been particularly challenging for those who were doing it for the first time. 

This article is coming to give a helping hand to those team leaders, managers, and workers who are trying to make their virtual teams work and prosper during these strange times. 

Making virtual teams work

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How to Manage Your Workforce Through a Crisis

Leaders are facing an unparalleled workplace experience. The degree of uncertainty we are now navigating is extraordinary for most businesses everywhere in the world. Nobody knows when this sanitary crisis is going to end or what is going to happen in a couple of months from now. And nobody can predict the impact on employees, customers, even the supply chain.

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