Posts Tagged Under: communication

Farewell, 2020, you taught us many lessons

If you ask 10 different people to define the year that’s coming to an end tomorrow, you’ll get 10 different answers. Same if you ask 1000. Because 2020 was tough, bumpy, and full of unpredictability in all possible areas. And we can all agree that it has forever changed the way we work and interact, both in doing business and in our private lives.

happy new year

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Why you need company values and procedures to thrive in business

Company values are the core set of principles that your company stands by and promotes. Some might think these are just a bunch of nice-sounding slogans or a marketing stunt meant to attract customers. But when you stand by your values and place them at the core of your business, they can act as a guide for your employees in those unpredictable situations that aren’t mapped by your set of procedures. 

Procedures are a well-established set of rules that let people know how they should behave in certain situations. These are in place to make the workflow predictable, the operations quicker, and the overall business more effective. However, you can’t possibly have rules for any possible situation, and you must make sure that your employees make the best decisions in those unpredictable situations. Therefore, both values and procedures are important for the prosperity of your business. 

Why you need company values and procedures to survive

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The Productivity Box: Let the Music Guide You Through the Flow

Do you have a coworker who always seems to have their headphones in, tapping along with the beat or mouthing the lyrics? Maybe you are that coworker who can’t get through the day without your favorite playlists. Have you ever thought about why music is so important to your workday, whether you’re only listening to a few songs or a whole opera?

The Productivity Box: Let the Music Guide You Through the Flow

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5 Steps to Continue Being a Great Leader During the Pandemic

When the first wave of COVID-19 forced the world into lockdown, business leaders scrambled to pivot out of necessity. Overnight, they had to make financial adjustments and staffing decisions to keep the business afloat. They had to reassure stakeholders, hone their public message, and implement health and safety measures. If being a great leader was difficult before, now it has become even tougher.

Steps to Continue Being a Great Leader During the Pandemic

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How to Lead Better Remote Meetings

Have you ever considered how much time you spend in meetings each day? Attentiv reports that Americans hold approximately 11 million meetings per day, with an average length between 31 to 60 minutes. As the COVID-19 pandemic drove teams away from the office, employers had to adapt to remote meetings. And video calls and phone conferences replaced many in-person interactions.

The problem is that 33.4 percent of meetings are considered unproductive, according to the same report. Leading an effective meeting is a skill, and so is leading an effective remote meeting.

How to Lead Better Remote Meetings

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Having a Virtual Workforce, the Two Sides of the Same Coin

If there’s one lesson the pandemic taught business owners this year, it’s that having a virtual workforce is doable across many industries and sectors. About 50 percent of surveyed companies in the United States and Canada think their employees are more productive when working from home and project this will continue in 2021, according to Talent Trends.

However, the research also indicates that another 43 percent of companies are not sure if they can adapt to a digitally enabled remote work entirely in the months ahead.

Having a Virtual Workforce, the Two Sides of the Same Coin

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Five Ways to Sell SaaS B2B

Software-as-a-service, known as SaaS, is a $157 billion market, according to recent reports. With the increase of remote work due to the pandemic, the SaaS market will continue to expand, suggests TechCrunch. While this puts SaaS companies in a fast-growing and valuable industry, it also means there’s more competition than ever before.

Ways to sell B2B SaaS

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Strategies to Improve your Email Productivity

The email is a communication medium still used by billions of people around the world. From personal to marketing purposes, everyone sends and receives tens of emails every day. It’s also an important element of our lives at work. So let’s take a closer look at when to use it and how to improve our email productivity. 

Strategies to Improve your Email Productivity

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