The Productivity Box: Harness Teamwork to Boost Work Performance

Most of us can agree that teamwork is more than just a buzzword, it is a cornerstone of success in business. Harness teamwork and this team-oriented approach will ensure that everybody is working in sync, driving innovation, and improving overall performance. Still, we might not realize just how beneficial it is for problem-solving, communication, decision-making, innovation, organizational efficiency, and overall performance.

The Productivity Box: Harness Teamwork to Boost Your Performance

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5 Skills for Leaders in Hybrid Work Environments

The pandemic made remote and hybrid work environments more popular than ever before. However, the location of your team isn’t the only thing that changed in the past few years. Remote and hybrid work has sent ripple effects through the workplace, impacting productivity, employee needs, and how these collaborate. As a leader, you will need to adapt to these changes.

Skills for Leaders in Hybrid Work Environments

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How to Stay Focused when Spring Fever Kicks In

If you’ve heard of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), you might associate it with those dark, cold winter months. However, while less common, SAD can occur in the spring as well, with symptoms like restlessness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, agitation or limited attention span. Also known by its more colloquial name, spring fever, this form of SAD can pose a threat to your concentration and productivity at work.

How to Stay Focused when Spring Fever Kicks In

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The Productivity Box: Overcome Rust-Out to Stay Engaged and Inspired at Work

Over the past few years, burnout has become a major topic of conversation—especially in the wake of COVID-19 as chronic stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion reached alarming new levels. But there’s another less talked about phenomenon that could be even more detrimental to your work performance (and other facets of your life, too). This silent saboteur is called rust-out, and almost 70 percent of employees have dealt with it.

The Productivity Box Overcome Rust-Out to Stay Engaged and Inspired at Work

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Tips and Tricks on How to Improve Your Attention Span

Productivity Hacks on How to Improve Your Attention Span

It has been demonstrated that attention spans are shrinking. People are constantly inundated with short videos, bite-size content, and endless stimuli that prevent them from really focusing on one thing at a time. Even corporate training materials have moved toward digestible content. Though not necessarily a bad thing, it highlights the necessity for companies to accommodate workers who are easily distracted. Similarly, as you tailor your marketing messages for your target audience, you must also modify your communication methods to suit their attention span.

Productivity Hacks on How to Improve Your Attention Span

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The Productivity Box Take Advantage of the Huge Impact Better Communication Skills Have on Work Performance

The Productivity Box: How Better Communication Skills Boost Work Performance

Communication plays a crucial role in problem-solving and decision-making processes within teams. More than 70 percent of leaders feel that effective communication skills boost their team’s productivity. So what is the correlation between strong communication and a high-quality job performance? And how can you develop this trait to bolster your own career success?

The Productivity Box: How Better Communication Skills Boost Work Performance

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