The Productivity Box: The Link Between Anxiety and Work Performance

Mental health and anxiety have become a consistent topic of conversation at work. Many business leaders now recognize the need to prioritize psychological and emotional wellness. However, there are some employees who think their companies have not done enough to create a positive culture where mental health is taken seriously. Looking beyond this debate, what truly matters at the end of the day is awareness and action. Because mental health influences both our personal and professional lives.

The Productivity Box: The Link Between Anxiety, Mental Health and Work Performance

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How Technology Helps us Reduce our Carbon Footprint, on Earth Day and Everyday

Today, we celebrate Earth Day, the perfect time to show support for environmental protection and ultimately love for our beautiful mother planet, Earth. For businesses around the world, this could translate in making their workplace more eco-friendly. Sustainability measures have been in progress for years. However, recent advancements in technology make it even easier and more affordable to go green and reduce your organization’s carbon footprint.

How technology can help us reduce our carbon footprint

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Spring Is On! Top 3 Ways to Be More Productive

As the winter snow melts away and the days get longer, many people feel like they’re waking up from hibernation. Now that the bees are humming and the flowers are blooming, it is time to look ahead to warmer, brighter times. Use this transition period to evaluate your current productivity levels and make changes to your workflow. Spring is a time for setting priorities and committing to growth throughout the year.

Spring Is On! Top 3 Ways to Be More Productive

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The Audio Conference (Still) Rocks, Here’s Why

An audio conference is a meeting conducted by the means of audio communications with two or more people, who usually are in different locations. Instead of calling each other–like a traditional phone call–it allows different parties to join in by calling a number, either via the telephony network or through an Internet connection. And here comes the best part. In the post-COVID era, the audio conference could very well be our escape from the exhausting video meetings.

The Audio Conference Rocks, Here's Why

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How to Overcome the Imposter Syndrome at Work

If you’ve struggled with anxiety or fear of failure at work, you’re not alone. Employees often deal with feelings that they may not be qualified enough for a position or that they lack the ability to perform as well as their peers. There is a term for this feeling of not being good enough or qualified enough: the imposter syndrome.

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome at Work

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Happy IWD 2022

Every year, on 8 March, the world marks the International Women’s Day. Some celebrate it with flowers, others with good wishes, and even more with empowering thoughts on gender equality. And IWD 2022 is no exception.

Heppy IWD 2022

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