Elena Carstoiu' Post

Time To Celebrate

It’s that time of the year again, when technology companies start opening champagne bottles, celebrating their products and success stories. We like bubbles very much as well, so we wanted to share some great news with you.


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The Magic Of Seven – 7 Years Of VoipNow

From the dust of old centuries until today’s computer-driven and smartphone-glued society, seven has always been considered a magical number. Many believe in the power of seven, be they sorcerers or mathematicians, historians or, in the past decades, even psychologists. Seven days in the week, seven wonders of the world, seven primary colors, seven notes in the musical scale, seven ages of man, Miller’s law on human brain’s capacity of processing information, and the list can go on and on.

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TouchMeNow, The UC Revolution

Ever since our release of the world’s first UC software in 2006, all service providers have been asking for a way to turn communication into a more personal experience. After 2 years of intense development, we are finally ready to make the big announcement.

The entire 4PSA team proudly announces the release of TouchMeNow, a revolutionary solution that bundles software and hardware to deliver a previously unimaginable communication experience. Making use of haptic technology, TouchMeNow incorporates an unexpected, but highly desired element to Unified Communications: touch.

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A Spring Love Story

The March day was slowly unfolding over the garden. The air was fresh and cheerful birds were singing up in the trees. Flowers of all colors turn their heads towards the sun to catch the warm spring rays.

If only words could let you feel the amazing fragrances everywhere…



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Love Is A Phone Call Away

Do you think today is just a ordinary day? Don’t you just love those big fluffy hearts that are everywhere?!? So do we!

As one of our male colleagues put it, Valentine’s Day is a celebration that women worship and man loathe. Except for us! The ladies in 4PSA team are completely unimpressed at being loved more than usual on one particular day. We prefer that to happen every day. 😉

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Our Planet – You Have To See This

I’ve read a lot of articles lately debating climate change and the reasons it happens now, in such a visible manner. Everyone seems to have a strong opinion on the matter. Conspiracy theories everywhere you look :).

Environmental activists say it’s the overuse of fossil fuel, dumb consumption and big worldwide consortia that fight against the adoption of clean energy only because they are greedy.

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Fly in the Cloud with 4PSA at HostingCon

We keep bringing you closer to the Cloud. This time, we’ve given up on servers, wires and services and went for a more entertaining approach.

If you’re stopping by at HostingCon 2011 in San Diego this month, be sure to enter the contest held by Parallels together with their APS Partners! 4PSA puts up two prizes for Tuesday and Wednesday: AR.Drone quadricopter & 90-day VoipNow Cloud Instance!

We all know what a VoipNow Cloud Instance is. But what’s an AR.Drone?

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Coffee Art At 4PSA

It’s summer in Bucharest and it’s kinda hot. Although this might sound weird, the best drink in such a warm day is a hot liquid. Some of my colleagues will choose a hot tea, but many of us will go with a delicious cup of steamy coffee. You can smell that unique fragrance of fresh coffee from the moment you step into the office in the morning and until late in the afternoon.

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On Cloud Computing, Clubs in Soho and End-Users

I read an interesting article presenting the results of a survey made on the streets of London. People had been asked what cloud computing is. Extremely funny answers:

25% – “a data center in the sky”
20% – “something Microsoft advertised”
10% – “global warming caused by overheating computers”
10% – “trendy club in Soho”
35% – a new way to access IT services over the Internet

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With My Head Up In The Cloud

How many times have you been told this: Is your head in the clouds?!? Usually, it’s not a compliment, but these days that might just change. Of course, it’s about a different Cloud and it would be nice to have your IT services there, not your head. 🙂

I see at least a dozen of articles every day on cloud computing, written by people from various areas of business: IT, marketing, sales, even HR. They debate on cloud definition, advantages and disadvantages, on myths, data security, lock-in degree, and ultimately whether cloud computing really is a new concept or just an over-hyped renaming of the old IaaS, PaaS and SaaS models or even a clever marketing-invented new name for virtualized environments.

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