Posts in Category: industry

Communication & Collaboration: Arts That Leaders Need to Master

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

I recently stumbled upon some lectures that talk about communication & collaboration in business, explaining its crucial role in leveling the field for executives and floor employees alike, driving successful operations across an entire organization. They were great reads and I want to lay out some bullet points for our readers. If you own a business, listen up!

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IDG: Demand For Collaboration Software Poised to Explode Within The Next Year

A few days ago, data group IDG Enterprise rolled out a lengthy report coupled with an infographic to show the state of UC&C (Unified Communications & Collaboration) today, with an eye on the next 12 months.

The research conducted by the enterprise technology media company revealed that data transformation continues to climb a steep hill, but that the UC&C sector in particular is making an innovative leap. Best of all, “organizations are recognizing the value that sits within these solutions,” according to Brian Glynn, chief revenue officer of IDG Enterprise.

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Dare To Disagree: When Contradiction Gives Birth To True Collaboration [Video]

When we designed Hubgets, we wanted not only to facilitate communication, but also to foster collaboration in all-new ways. We’re still ironing out some bugs, but already our newborn baby enables entire teams to send feedback back and forth, collaborate on projects, aggregate searchable data, and keep their peers in the loop even out of office.

In our awareness spree to make Hubgets known far and wide, we came across a TED talk by Margaret Effernan which speaks of the hidden power of contradiction as a crucial aspect of collaboration.

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Many Americans Still Think ‘The Cloud’ Is A Real Cloud

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

What was your reaction when you first heard of “the cloud?” Personally, I was a bit puzzled by the term: “what do clouds and computers have in common, anyway?” I kept thinking.

According to a study conducted in the United States, nearly a third of Americans are just as baffled by the concept, nearly two decades since we started using the term Specifically, 29% of the population thinks ‘the cloud’ is a real cloud. While I can relate to this demographic on some level, it’s also quite odd that many people still can’t fully grasp the idea of a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet.

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What Were The First Words Ever Spoken On The Telephone?

Photo by Tiko Giorgadze on Unsplash

Have you ever asked yourself who made the first-ever phone call? Or what that conversation was all about? If so, look no further. Here’s how it all went down.

To get one thing out of the way, it was the very person who invented the first practical telephone that also made the first phone call. His name was Alexander Graham Bell, and he was one of the foremost visionaries of his time. A Scottish-born scientist, inventor, and engineer, Bell’s work was profoundly influenced by his mother’s deafness, which led him to study acoustics, and elocution (formal speaking in pronunciation, grammar, style, and tone).

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Sharing The Moment – How Smartphones Changed The Way We Watch Sports

Photo by Jannes Glas on Unsplash

Not too long ago we used to pull out our phones just to call a friend, or read a text. Today, we use our mobile phones for just about anything. Chief among these activities is social interaction. During sporting events, this urge to relate to others hits a fever pitch, thanks to platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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By 2020 Smartphones & Video Will Rule The Internet [Study]

Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash

The number of smartphone subscriptions will surpass those of basic phones as early as next year, according to the Ericsson Mobility Report, released last month. That number is expected to more than double by 2020, from 2.6 billion to 6.1 billion. Many parties stand to win from this growth, but one particular faction will be swimming in cash – the video streaming market.

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Technology Delivers Only When You Ask The Right Questions

Photo by Ramón Salinero on Unsplash

Is the product that you’re about to deploy user friendly, interoperable, scalable? Is your company waiting for others to take the plunge to consider new technology safe or viable? Does the product require radical infrastructure modifications to be deployed? These are just some of the questions that need to be asked when scouring the market for Unified Communications & Collaboration solutions.

What is Unified Communications anyway? Ask ten different people and you’re likely to get ten different answers. The reality is that UC has been waiting on the launch pad for well over a decade, and yet only a handful of industries have managed to wrap their heads around it. How did they do it? Simple. By asking these questions before buying.

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Cloud Infrastructure Is Booming on Growing Demand for Services

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Vendor revenue from sales of server, storage, and Ethernet switches for cloud IT has recorded a 25.1% spike (year over year) to reach $6.3 billion in the first quarter of 2015, IDC reports.

The numbers are impressive, but those who keep their eyes peeled on the cloud market will undoubtedly notice a pattern here. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Cloud IT Infrastructure Tracker, this is actually the second wave of growth in the five quarters tracked by IDC year-over-year. Spending followed a similar pattern in 1Q15. Some numbers:

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