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Despite increased awareness about Unified Communications (UC) solutions, many businesses are slow to upgrade, or downright reluctant to do so. Reportlinker shares some numbers as part of a recent market analysis, and predicts a serious uptick in adoption over the next three years.
Compared to 2014, UC adoption in 2015 has not been considerably higher. In fact, some parts of the globe have fallen short of expectations, according to various market researchers, including the fine gents at IDC. But Reportlinker is optimistic about the next few years, projecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.42 per cent for the global UC 2.0 services market over the period 2015-2019.
The market is slow to kill off legacy systems, but nonetheless it is happening. According to the researchers, enterprises are becoming increasingly focused on integrating text messaging, video conferencing, voice messaging, and other mobility features and have them baked right in their products. The reason? “The widespread implementation of unified communication has made business communication fast and has improved the business productivity,” analysts say.
Unfortunately, while there is growth in the traction for cloud-based unified communication and collaboration among large enterprises, usage of on-premises infrastructure for integrating business communication remains the standard practice. UC adopters, however, report inherent benefits such as cost reduction, improved scalability, and enhanced efficiency. For some, apparently, these things can wait.
Whatever the future holds, we suspect that 2015-2019 will indeed mark a growth period for the UC market. Improvements in bandwidth and the increasing need for cloud-based communication & collaboration are likely to drive adoption even beyond industry expectations. In fact, we personally make sure of that every day by improving VoipNow and Hubgets with new options for service providers, new features for end-users, platform optimizations, as well as competitive pricing.
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