When it comes to managing your time at work, you’re often trapped in a relentless loop of ticking off daily tasks. Yet, shifting focus toward goal oriented performance rather than mere checklists can unlock substantial progress and align efforts with what genuinely drives long-term success.
When you think about creating the optimal work environment, does the quality of sound in your workplace ever come to mind? This might not seem as influential to productivity as some other ergonomic features, such as the comfort of your desk or the amount of light in your space. But as it turns out, the sounds you listen to (or are exposed to as background noise) can have a major impact on your overall performance. In this edition of The Productivity Box, we’ll talk about that connection—plus, how to use sound to your advantage on the job.
As the temperatures climb, you get into a summer routine, and it’s easy to slow down, including in the workplace. There are many reasons for this mythical slump, like families taking vacations while kids are out of school, creating an “out of office” ripple effect through your company. Externally, clients and vendors may be taking more time to respond, further making you less productive.
If your morning routine is never complete without your daily cup of coffee, then you are not alone, not even close. Around the world, it’s a $100 billion industry. A whopping 500 million cups of this caffeinated beverage are consumed each year, according to globalEDGE.
We’ve been talking a lot about working from home during this climate of uncertainty and the challenges it brings. And we’ve analyzed the efforts we’re all putting in order to overcome these issues while building a new normality. To accomplish this, we need to find new ways to keep our work productivity up, even after the rules of the game have been unexpectedly changed overnight due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Workplace productivity is like water in the desert. Hard to gather, quick to evaporate. From time to time, you can see an oasis. Abundant productivity once you reach the mirage, that is.
Surely there are many ways to boost productivity.
Judging by the enormous amount of books and blog posts on the topic of productivity, you can easily realize just how hard it is for anyone to actually reach this goal of ultimate productivity. Managers, C-level executives, and entrepreneurs are facing an even bigger challenge because they are usually involved in many projects, have a lot of responsibilities, and the pressure to succeed is incredibly high. Being productive is even more compelling.
That’s why I decided to put up a list of what I found to be the productivity hacks that are both highly effective and easy to implement in no time.