Posts Tagged Under: SIP

The Ultimate Guide to SIP: What Is SIP Protocol and SIP Calling

SIP, which stands for Session Initiation Protocol, is a communication protocol widely used for establishing, modifying, and terminating multimedia sessions such as voice and video calls over the internet. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of SIP, exploring its key concepts, technicalities, and implementation in business communication. Whether you are new to SIP or seeking to enhance your understanding, this guide will equip you with valuable insights to maximize the benefits of SIP in your communication infrastructure.

The Ultimate Guide to SIP: What Is SIP, SIP Protocol, and SIP Calling

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What Is SIP Trunking and How To Offer SIP Trunking Services

Communication drives your business forward. Client and vendor inquiries begin through phone conversations. Teams regularly meet in conference calls to examine information and brainstorm ideas. Establishing a clear communication process helps your employees increase their productivity. In order to build such a process, you need a Unified Communications and Collaboration platform, SIP trunking, DIDs and internet access.

What Is SIP Trunking and How To Offer SIP Trunking Services with VoipNow

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What Is a VoIP Phone Number and How Does It Work?

This article is a beginner’s guide to VoIP. Reading forward, you will find out what is a VoIP phone number. You will understand why so many businesses prefer VoIP over the old PSTN telephony. You will get familiarized with the terminology, discuss the differences between fixed and non-fixed VoIP and the benefits of each. Finally, you will find the answer to the most frequently asked questions. We hope that, by the time you are done reading, you will find it easier to determine if your business needs a VoIP phone number. And also you’ll find out how to choose the best service provider to meet your needs.

What is a VoIP phone number and how does it work

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UC – Your Green Card for Business Communication

Photo by lexie janney on Unsplash

Communication is one of the major challenges to tackle when you’re in the public sector doing business with partners, trying to grow a customer base, etc. Being able to take orders, answer questions, close deals and, most importantly just be there for your partners and clients in a timely manner is essential for growing a reputation as a trusty player in your field. To fulfill today’s growing demands and avoid being crushed by competitors, leaving the past behind is a good way to cement your business and assist your growth plan.

Private branch exchange (PBX) has come a long way since its inception in the early ’90s, when operators had to manage switchboards manually, using cord circuits

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Expert Tells It How It Is: VoIP Keeps Pace with Growth, Fixed Phones Not So Much

Establishing a business today is no picnic. The space is highly competitive, and you need to get a few kinks out of the way before you make your first sale. One of those is communication. If you want to survive and / or grow, you cannot risk not getting this one right.

Imagine trying to pitch your latest and greatest to a packed audience without a microphone in your hand. Much in the same way, your office needs the communication aspect cleared out before anything else. If clients can’t get your message in a timely fashion, you’re already spiraling down to failure.

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My Shameless Plug For VoipNow Mobile

This is a video we’ve shot two weeks ago about VoipNow Mobile. Please excuse my performance 🙂 VoipNow Mobile is at the beginning of its life, there is still much to do and we know it. But at the end of the day, we want our partners to be able to deploy their infrastructure on over 90% BYOD.

Why? Traditionally, BYOD is associated with high risks, poor compliance and so on. Considering the problems our customers face with business desktop IP phones, we believe that properly done BYOD can provide a better experience not only for end-users, but also for specialized IT personnel. While we do not know precisely how many support cases are associated with client issues on the service provider’s end, we know that about 20% of our support tickets contain various phone client problems, starting with provisioning and ending with illegal equipment usage. It’s a big opportunity to hunt these down.

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