Posts Tagged Under: listening

How to Work with a Bad Listener

Effective communication is crucial for success in any workplace. For the process to be effective, you need good speakers and good listeners. When someone is an ineffective speaker or a bad listener and communication fails, it can lead to misunderstandings, errors, and missed opportunities.

How to Work with a Bad Listener

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Short guide on how to become a better active listener

As social beings, communication is an essential part of our lives. We communicate with others to share our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. However, communication is not just about speaking; it also involves active listening. Active listening is the ability to fully concentrate on what someone is saying, understand their perspective, and respond appropriately. In this article, we will discuss the importance of active listening and how you can become a better active listener.

Short guide on how to become a better active listener

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4 Effective Communication Techniques for Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic caused millions of employees to work from home. While some have returned to full-time office work, many people are still working remotely or following a hybrid schedule. Despite the mass transition to remote work, communication remains a significant challenge amongst workers and using solid communication techniques has become vital.

4 Effective Communication Techniques for Remote Work

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How to Manage Your Workforce Through a Crisis

Leaders are facing an unparalleled workplace experience. The degree of uncertainty we are now navigating is extraordinary for most businesses everywhere in the world. Nobody knows when this sanitary crisis is going to end or what is going to happen in a couple of months from now. And nobody can predict the impact on employees, customers, even the supply chain.

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How to Communicate More Effectively and Avoid Arguments

Disagreements over ideas can easily turn into arguments, especially in competitive work environments where everyone’s mindset is that they need to prove themselves with every opportunity. Avoiding conflict should always be the main priority during tense situations since work-related conflicts can be difficult to navigate even for the best communicators. 

How to communicate more effectively and avoid arguments

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Nine Effective Business Communication Techniques

Effective business communication is crucial for the success of any company. Poor communication is not only frustrating on a personal level, but has the potential of causing huge financial loss. Misinterpreted messages, lost emails, or poor understanding can cause delays, failed projects, or loss of clients. Therefore, it is important for everyone in your company to improve their communication skills, especially when in a position of power.

Effective business communication techniques

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Three Signs You’re Not Managing Your Calendar Effectively

Our modern American culture glorifies busyness. In fact, the Journal of Consumer Research has found that “Those devoting more time to work and less time to leisure are often viewed as having more status.” But even the most packed schedule is not an automatic sign of productivity. A long to-do list might look impressive at first. However, the number of tasks, deadlines and appointments on your calendar does not always mean those obligations are done with excellence.

Time to manage your calendar effectively

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