Posts Tagged Under: exercise

The Productivity Box: How to Break the Afternoon Slump

Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, your productivity levels will ebb and flow throughout the day. Some people are alert and ready as soon as the day starts while others do their best work in the evening. However, there’s a window of time that is almost universally unproductive—the late afternoon slump.

The Productivity Box: How to Break the Afternoon Slump

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How to Stay Focused when Spring Fever Kicks In

If you’ve heard of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), you might associate it with those dark, cold winter months. However, while less common, SAD can occur in the spring as well, with symptoms like restlessness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, agitation or limited attention span. Also known by its more colloquial name, spring fever, this form of SAD can pose a threat to your concentration and productivity at work.

How to Stay Focused when Spring Fever Kicks In

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The Productivity Box: Engage Your Mind and Body with Dancing

Everybody knows how important an active lifestyle is for the wellness, strength, and resilience of our bodies. What about the impact of exercise on our brains, though? Can physical movement enhance mental health and cognitive performance? What’s a good alternative if you don’t particularly like going to the gym? In this month’s installment of The Productivity Box, we’ll make the case for dancing.

The Productivity Box: Engage Your Mind and Body with Dancing

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Spring Is On! Top 3 Ways to Be More Productive

As the winter snow melts away and the days get longer, many people feel like they’re waking up from hibernation. Now that the bees are humming and the flowers are blooming, it is time to look ahead to warmer, brighter times. Use this transition period to evaluate your current productivity levels and make changes to your workflow. Spring is a time for setting priorities and committing to growth throughout the year.

Spring Is On! Top 3 Ways to Be More Productive

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The 2021 Wrap-Up

Since 2021 is reaching its glorious end in a couple of days, now it’s the perfect time for a wrap-up. Almost two years in, COVID-19 continues to affect how we work, live, and play. Lots of people around the globe are following strict social distancing rules or even are under lockdown, while many are still experiencing pandemic fatigue. As a society, we continue to challenge the modern workplace and come together to create healthier and safer social environments.

The 2021 Wrap-Up

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Jumpstart your Productivity in Five Easy Steps

When those initial stay-at-home orders went into effect back in March 2020, the mass shift to remote work seemed to boost productivity. But as this pandemic keeps bugging us even a year later, that productivity surge is now on the decline. While some organizations have seen a 5 to 8 percent increase in productivity within these last 12 months, most have suffered a 3 to 6 percent decrease in 2020 overall, according to Harvard Business Review

Jumpstart your productivity in 5 easy steps

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Getting into the Flow: Fact or Fiction?

You’re sitting at your desk. The phone rings and breaks your concentration. When you pick it up, you notice it’s nearly lunchtime, and you’ve been working for a few hours, without distractions. While getting up from the chair, your legs feel completely numb. You take stock of the project on your screen and realize you’re almost done. At a quick glance, you also realize that it’s done well 😀 Congratulations, you’ve just experienced the flow state!

Getting into the Flow: Fact or Fiction

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