Posts Tagged Under: distractions

How to Tackle the 6 Most Common Remote Work Challenges

Most of the employees working from home seem to enjoy their working arrangements, with 77 percent even claiming that they feel more productive. The trend seems to keep rising, even though some companies have called their employees back to the office. However, remote work is not all milk and honey. Employees working from home also have to face a series of challenges.

How to Tackle the Most Common Remote Work Challenges

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Getting into the Flow: Fact or Fiction?

You’re sitting at your desk. The phone rings and breaks your concentration. When you pick it up, you notice it’s nearly lunchtime, and you’ve been working for a few hours, without distractions. While getting up from the chair, your legs feel completely numb. You take stock of the project on your screen and realize you’re almost done. At a quick glance, you also realize that it’s done well 😀 Congratulations, you’ve just experienced the flow state!

Getting into the Flow: Fact or Fiction

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Tips to Improve Your Home Workspace

The Coronavirus pandemic has in a very short period of time profoundly impacted our lives, changing the very way we live, work, and socialize. These days, many employees are trying to adjust to working from home – sometimes without a proper workspace available – and being productive in the midst of it all can be a real challenge. However, of all the challenges that come with this transition, setting up an accommodating home office is one of the easiest to fix.

Tips to improve your home workspace

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Five Strategies For a More Productive Workday

Everyone wants to have a more productive workday every day. To get more done, do it well, and to eventually leave the office feeling accomplished. However, in the busy and hectic modern workplace, that’s often easier said than done.

Strategies for a more productive workday

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How to Take a Digital Detox While on Vacation

Most adults spend up to 11 hours per day digitally connected one way or another. We use screens for work, for fun, for shopping – basically our entire lives revolve around a screen. While some people don’t see that as a problem, 1 in 5 people have taken a digital detox, and 7 in 10 people are trying to limit their screen time.

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Smart Hacks for Optimizing Productivity in the Workplace

Productivity is a concept used to describe effectiveness given by the results we get from the amount of work we put into something. Maximum productivity is the inversely proportional relationship between the amount of effort and the quality of the results. So, for optimizing work and ultimately maximizing productivity, we need to get the best results out of minimum effort.

Hacks for optimizing productivity in the wokplace

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Nine Reasons Why Focusing at Work Becomes Difficult (And How to Tackle Them)

We all have moments, or even days, when we find focusing on work more difficult than usual. Sometimes the reasons are obvious, but other times we are stuck wondering what we are doing wrong and what’s happening to us. In this article we are going to explore these less recognizable factors that impair our ability to concentrate and properly accomplish our tasks.

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6 Fixes to Double Your Productivity

6 Fixes to Double Your Productivity

Productivity is today’s secret key to success. We all have 24 hours every day. Yet some of us put those hours to really good use. And it’s what you do in your hours that makes the difference. Try these six fixes to double your productivity.
6 Fixes to Double Your Productivity

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