Posts Tagged Under: customer satisfaction

The Ultimate Guide to Phone Call Transfer

Phone call transfers play a crucial role in customer service and communication. When handling customer inquiries or requests, it is often necessary to transfer the call to a different department or team member who can provide the required assistance. However, it is essential to understand the importance of an effective call transfer to ensure a seamless experience for the customer.

The Ultimate Guide to Phone Call Transfer

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Demystifying Round Robin Call Routing Algorithm

Call routing is a critical component of modern communication systems. It is the process of directing incoming calls to the most appropriate destination based on predefined rules. To ensure an efficient and fair distribution of calls, various routing algorithms have been developed. One such algorithm is the round robin call routing algorithm, which we will explore in this article.

The Productivity Box: How to Break the Afternoon Slump

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Call Routing: How to Manage your Call Center’s Call Flow

Call routing is the process of organizing calls to maximize the number of customers you help in a timely manner. It allows you to optimize your response process to support your staff while providing better customer experience. There are multiple ways to route your calls depending on your business model and even more benefits of doing so. Learn more about call routing and how to take advantage of this valuable functionality.

Call Routing: How to Manage your Call Center's Call Flow

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5 Essential Trainings Any Team Should Get

Training is a key component of personnel and personal development. In some cases, it may be the reason people choose to work for your business. Trainings are crucial to the development of new teams, and the elixir for the rejuvenation of old ones. Yet, trainings should take into account the way adults learn.

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5 Top Objectives of Highly Successful Businesses

Objectives are the common denominator of all planning activities. Nowadays, however, organizations of all kinds are going through a paradigm shift. It’s no longer about hierarchies of plans and SMART objectives. Now it’s about maximizing human satisfaction: consumers and employees.

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Customers Want Complaints Answered Where They Were Posted

Photo by Neringa Šidlauskaitė on Unsplash

Funny story: I decided to change my ringtone to a real song by a real band, so I looked up “how to change ringtone on iOS.” I landed on a 1,000-word post that explained the nightmarish process. After decidedly sticking with my stock tunes, I felt like venting a little on Twitter.

Apple has always made it unnecessarily difficult to add and extract files to and from an iOS device, especially ringtones. It has to do with the stronghold on the content routed through iTunes. While it’s fair towards the artists, it’s excruciatingly frustrating for the end user. Surely there’s a way to please both parties. Alas, they’ve yet to implement it

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Summertime Is the Perfect Time to Assess Your Contact Center

Business slows down in summer due to vacation time. That’s a fact. Be that as it may, for contact centers, considering the relatively low call center activity, the summer looks like the perfect time to see if they’re making the grade.

When business starts ramping up again, the quality of your customer service needs to be at its peak so as to bolster revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and reduce costs. If your contact center isn’t ready for that kind of influx of traffic as business picks back up, you may be in for a surprise. For instance, according to a recent survey by Accenture, 51 percent of consumers in the U.S. will abandon a business if they are not fully satisfied with their customer service.

So what exactly can you do so that your company doesn’t become part of the statistics?

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