Posts Tagged Under: customer experience

Why Call Centers Are a Hub of Customer Experience

Call centers serve as the main hub for companies to solve customer problems and provide information. In our connected world, call centers don’t just react to calls, they also proactively reach out to customers and nurture leads. This makes them a highly valuable asset to any sales team.

Why Call Centers are a Hub of Customer Experience

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Give Your SMB Customers a Call Center and They’ll Bring More Business

Customer service isn’t just a helpful feature for a business to have, it’s essential to grow and maintain profitability. According to this survey, 54 percent of consumers make buying decisions based on experience. Furthermore, 68 percent will pay more to shop at a company with good customer care. So this is just as important to small businesses as to large enterprises. However, many customer service tools are marketed to large companies only. It’s time to change that! Let’s start with the call center.

Give Your SMB Customers a Call Center and They'll Bring More Business

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Remote Work Trends in 2020

The remote workforce has gone global. Seventy percent of workers telecommute at least once per week, while 53 percent of employees work in the office at most half the week, according to a recent study from IWG. Even more fascinating, a Citrix study estimates that 50 percent of the workforce will be completely remote by the end of 2020. Such numbers shape the remote work trends for the next period.

Remote work trends

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Customer Communication Is For Your Business What SEO Is For Your Website

In the push for creating a great website, developing a social presence, and providing an overall positive user experience, it’s easy to forget about the foundation of your business: great customer communication. This element is critical to the success of your business like SEO is to the success of your website. Without it, you’ll struggle to bring on customers, retain clients and build a brand that’s known for a great customer experience.

Customer communication is as important for your business as SEO is for your website

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Five Strategies For a More Productive Workday

Everyone wants to have a more productive workday every day. To get more done, do it well, and to eventually leave the office feeling accomplished. However, in the busy and hectic modern workplace, that’s often easier said than done.

Strategies for a more productive workday

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Smart Hacks for Optimizing Productivity in the Workplace

Productivity is a concept used to describe effectiveness given by the results we get from the amount of work we put into something. Maximum productivity is the inversely proportional relationship between the amount of effort and the quality of the results. So, for optimizing work and ultimately maximizing productivity, we need to get the best results out of minimum effort.

Hacks for optimizing productivity in the wokplace

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