Search Results for: productivity box

The Productivity Box: The Case for Vacation

Many of us fantasize about switching off email and chat notifications and retreating to a beach where no communication app can intrude. Fantasies aside, how often does the typical employee actually use their vacation time each year? Turns out, not nearly often enough.

The Productivity Box: The Case for Vacation

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The Productivity Box: Use the Sunlight Power to Perform Better at Work

There’s a reason we often feel happier in the summer: the sun is life-giving, literally and figuratively. Sunlight also happens to offer many advantages when it comes to boosting your work performance. In this month’s installment of The Productivity Box, we will dive into the physical and mental health benefits of sunlight—and why it should be a fixture in your office.

The Productivity Box: Use the Power of the Sunlight to Perform Better at Work

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The Productivity Box: How Colors Influence Your Work and Help you Thrive

In many installments of The Productivity Box series, we’ve talked about how the ergonomic features of a work environment can influence overall performance. We have examined the impact of light, sound, temperature, air quality, and more. But this month, we’re turning our attention to the powerful, dynamic connection between colors and the cognitive function.

The Productivity Box: How Colors Influence Your Work and Help you Thrive

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The Productivity Box: Optimize the Day with a Balance of Strategic and Tactical Work

The average American works about 1,750 hours per year. That’s more than six other high-income nations: the U.K., Australia, Sweden, Belgium, France, and Germany. Even with all those hours on the clock, 88 percent of the workforce procrastinates for at least one hour each day. In other words, no matter how many tasks are written down (or crossed off) on their to-do list, people are still wasting valuable time and losing out on productivity. This is why it’s important to balance strategic vision with tactical execution, a work balance, if you will.

The Productivity Box: Optimize the Day with a Balance of Strategic and Tactical Work

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The Productivity Box: Why Psychological Safety Is Important at Work

It has been proven that poor mental health affects job performance in many ways. The environment we work in, however, can either worsen or ease the overall impact. And that’s where psychological safety comes in. For the first installment of The Productivity Box series in 2023, we will discuss what psychological safety means and why it is so beneficial in the workplace.

The Productivity Box: Why Psychological Safety Is Important at Work

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