Every year on the 8th of March we celebrate the women in our lives. We honor both their accomplishments and the struggles to achieve equality. In this article we will focus on women in tech and learn how the technology industry has come a long way in the past years.
If you’re like most people, chances are you have some sort of clutter in
your life. Whether it’s a messy basement, an overstuffed closet, or an office
desk that’s littered with papers, we all have something that could use some
tidying up and decluttering.
Managing time in an effective way is a challenge that most people struggle with on a daily basis. There is always too much to be done and time never seems to be enough. While we can’t stretch the length of the day for you, we can definitely help you make the most of the time you already have. Read forward to learn some time management strategies that will hopefully improve your work life and not only.
Team meetings have a pretty bad reputation. Most people either shiver or yawn only when hearing the word. The main reason is that uninspired leaders hold people hostage for hours, while delivering dull speeches or presentations that no one actually is interested to hear. But you can do better!
Moving your body regularly helps you fight off chronic disease, while improving your overall mood and keeping your waistline small, but staying fit is about more than looking good. Plus, the promise of a better body is likely not enough of a motivator to get you to the gym anyway.
Research from the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), however, may have discovered the motivation you need to start working out once and for all. According to HERO, employees who ate healthy meals and exercised on a regular basis had better job performance and lower absenteeism. In fact, employees who ate healthy all day long were 25 percent more likely to have higher job performance.
Good leaders want their team to give their best and achieve maximum productivity at work. And it is in their power to help people reach their full potential.
As their leader, your team looks up to you and your influence will have a great impact over their lives. This article is meant to help you discover a few strategies that will inspire people and empower them to obtain better results with their work.
Motivation is the driver that pushes people towards achieving their goals. Most employees are highly motivated when they start a new job, but somewhere along the way many of them begin losing sight of the positive aspects and start feeling trapped in a job that only puts bacon on the table.
Having contacts is very useful for any professional. Knowing the right people can help you develop your business and offer new opportunities. For that reason, networking should be on the social agenda of any leader and entrepreneur as a must do. Attending events, such as summits, conferences, and industry fairs, is the perfect opportunity for networking and getting quality contacts.
When it comes to the professional development of their employees, companies usually come up with elaborate training programs that disrupt the activity, bring appreciated experts to share their knowledge, and follow up with some sort of examination. In doing so, they oversee what might be the most powerful learning tool for employees: learning from each other. Read further to find out why peer learning should be a priority for you and your team, and how to help your employees learn from each other.
Strategies to enable peer learning for your employees
Procrastination is the archenemy of productivity. Some people waste hours and hours just avoiding the task they will eventually have to do anyhow. This goes from students who delay the moment they start working on their homework, up to top professionals who are overwhelmed by the amount of work in front of them. The purpose of this article is to provide helpful advice to better understand procrastination and how to overcome it.