Elena Carstoiu' Post

Has Your Enterprise Outgrown Its Business Phone System?

A fast-growing business may be synonymous with success, but not necessarily with smooth sailing too. A business doesn’t just manage itself, and even when there’s high demand for your product, you can fall short in aspects that actually sell it. Like your phone system.

Ask yourself this: if you had to add an extra phone line right now, how much time and effort would it take? How about handling your calls when you step out for coffee, or tracking KPIs? If your organization depends on picking up the phone in a timely fashion, you might want to look into a cloud-based phone system.

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3 Tips To Sell Communication Services To Medical Practices

When creating a new product or launching a new service, the first question you ask yourself is whether it will be successful and you will be able to sell it. Marketing theory says that you start with the user’s needs and then build products/services to meet them. In reality, after the launch it doesn’t work like that anymore. You already have your solution and want to find a way to match it on potential customers’ needs. As soon as you can sense any opportunity there, you can start building your approach.

In this first article of the series, we will start with medical practices. Imagine a medical partnership with a couple of practitioners and a couple of nurses in a small office, a receptionist, and a legacy telephony system.

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What’s Most Important in Sales?

It started with a tweet…

Most people try to sell to anyone with a pulse. Big mistake. Selling to no-targets costs a lot & is usually non-repetitive. Focus!

This made me think of something all companies, big or small, older or younger face every day. The combination of finding the right customers and creating replicable selling scenarios makes all the difference.

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Happy New 2015!


As the end of this year approaches, everyone is making retrospectives of 2014 and forecasts for 2015. I’m sure you’ve already read a thousand times how great 2015 will be for communication and collaboration. Just a few thoughts I read lately:

  • most companies will (finally) understand and begin to leverage the power of the cloud.
  • business will explode as service providers are going to bundle amazing services with fabulous customer support.
  • BYOD is grand for efficiency and a true morale boost, but still gives nightmares to IT/infrastructure teams.

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Hour of Code, Our Way

A couple of weeks ago, I received an invitation on Facebook to attend Hour of Code Romania. I don’t usually pay attention to such notifications, but this one was somehow different, as the name got me thinking 🙂 I know what you can do with a line of code, but what does an hour of code represent?! This was enough to trigger my curiosity, so I did a little research.

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VoipNow 3.5 Beta Is Here. Help Us Test It!

We have just released VoipNow 3.5 Beta. It’s been a long journey, but the first beta of the new version is finally here, better than ever.

It contains over 80 core improvements designed to help you win the SMB market such as upgraded architecture, improved UI, better PBX with support for WebRTC, call encryption, and a lot of other enhancements that simplify the operation of large deployments. It also comes with over 100 bug fixes, most of them related to the updated architecture.

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Unified Communications and the Future in Education

With technology advancing so fast, it’s often a wonder that the process of delivering education is still a piece of the twentieth century. It’s true that the world of online universities and learning websites from Coursera to Kahn’s Academy and other MOOCs is taking off, but many traditional schools, high-schools and universities are still stuck with paperwork when it comes to collaboration, and to simple voice when it comes to communication. Education should be at the forefront of what tech has to offer.

Some schools are making inroads into how to leverage technology. For example, the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) provides interactive video courses for K-12 schools across North Carolina. Students from across the state can collaborate in project teams and class discussions. Meanwhile, NCSSM teachers monitor the class in real-time and assess student learning. Yet, such schools are the exception, not the norm. The 2011 CDW Unified Communications Tracking Poll found that only 17% of higher education has implemented some of the features that are part of Unified Communications.

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VoipNow Changing the Communications Game for 8 Years

8 is definitely a lucky number. It signifies fortune and prosperity to the Chinese and wealth and abundance in Hinduism. For us, 8 is the number of years since VoipNow was born.

Today we’re celebrating VoipNow’s eighth birthday, together with our partners that use it to deliver Unified Communications services to more than 200,000 businesses around the world. Voxilla recently acknowledged it as one of the top-three call center solutions in 2014

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Logo.4PSA.com – The Story

For the past couple of weeks, we have been rolling out our new logo and brand visuals. Let’s face it, everybody needs to update their online presence once in a while, but changing the logo and brand visuals is a different story.

Why We Did It?

We liked our old logo because it was ours, but we were aware that it was not telling much about us. That’s why we decided to change it, for the first time in history. Many people in our team were highly attached to the old logo, so this proved to be a difficult process. We held internal brainstorming sessions, brand key workshops, and we tried using specialists outside the company.

In the end, we created the new logo internally, using an iterative process. This worked better than using external talent because no one was able to understand better than us the mechanisms that made us build our products this way, or fully grasp the emotions that change 4PSA every day.


It’s all about the people and the story behind them.

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