Posts in Category: industry

Today’s CEO Is Online And Social [Study]

Weber Shandwick is out with the third edition of its audit for the online presence of CEOs from the biggest companies. Socializing Your CEO III: From Marginal to Mainstream offers a great deal of insight into the C-suite and the importance of social networking for aspiring CEOs today.

The PR firm audited a series of sites and platforms to see how CEOs engage socially. Taken as a whole, the study comprises more than four years of research, from 2010 to this day. A “social CEO” will have:

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Wake Up and Smell Actual Money With This Aroma-Diffusing Alarm Clock

Photo by Sanah Suvarna on Unsplash

It’s not exactly how the saying goes, but in the case of Guillaume Rolland’s aromatic alarm clock, “wake up and smell the money” is really quite accurate. This 18-year-old French entrepreneur has come up with an ingenious alarm clock that uses scents instead of ear-ripping beeps and dings to wake people up. The craziest thing about it is that it actually works, according to those who’ve used it.

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When Collaboration And Marketing Don’t Mix

In a recent blog entry, we touted collaboration as the key to a better world. We based it on the research of one John Velez, Assistant Professor at the College of Media & Communication, who discovered that co-op gaming improves social behavior. But while collaboration betters the world in general, it’s not necessarily the recipe for better marketing.

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5 Things You Should Never Do In A Meeting

The web is chock full of advice regarding meetings and how to tackle them. Do this, don’t do that, here’s what to say to appear smart, and the list could go on. Personally, I think it all boils down to five Don’ts and just as many Do’s. I’ll save the positive ones for a later post. Right now, let’s look at what you shouldn’t do in a meeting. No ifs or buts.

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Unbelievable: Bladeless Wind Turbine Is Better In Every Way

It may be hard to imagine that a simple stick rising from the ground can catch the wind, swirl it around and turn the vortex into electricity. Spanish startup Vortex has proved that it can be done, and the results of their bladeless wind turbine are so impressive that they put traditional wind turbines to shame. If the numbers are accurate and Vortex gets its funding, we could be in for a revolution of the first order in wind energy.

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How Co-Op Games Just Proved That Collaboration Is The Answer To Our Biggest Problems

John Velez, an assistant professor at the College of Media & Communication, has published the results of a study focusing on how cooperating with others in both violent and non-violent video games influences social behavior in real life.

I wouldn’t call the results surprising, but they are worth sharing here on our blog. After all, we live and breathe collaboration.

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How To Write Engaging Headlines and Convert Your Audience [Infographic]

Most people don’t put any effort into writing a compelling title for their blog posts, according to the latest research. But while many people do pay attention to this aspect, it’s still hard to nail it every time. So let’s see how you can write more good titles.

A catchy headline catches your audience

Your headline may or may not say it all, but it does create expectations for the reader – expectations that must be on par with the content in your blog post, otherwise the your reader could lose trust in you. So don’t sensationalize too much without backing those claims with your content.

In fact, according to the research done by Hubspot, Market Domination Media, and Outbrain, your title may be the only chance your blog post has to generate new page views and new visitors for your blog.

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How Highly Does Your Business Value UC&C?

That’s one of the many questions asked by Fujitsu in a survey-turned-contest-turned-infographic. Most businesses are in the early stages of implementing UC&C (Unified Communications & Collaboration), but at the same time these companies expect the entire infrastructure to be laid out and ready to be used on a regular basis in no less than three years.

The Japanese IT company wanted to determine the state of UC&C today by issuing a game-show-inspired set of questions to a bunch of companies big and small. The purpose was to help managers see beyond the technical hurdles and into the advantages of simplified communications and enhanced collaboration. Right off the bat I can tell you that VoipNow & Hubgets – our most prominent products – are the perfect answer to Fujitsu’s entire pop quiz.

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