Some of our partners sent us emails asking why the hell we introduced the VoipNow Hosted. There were a couple of concerns expressed on their emails:
1. we are not a service provider
2. we started to compete them
3. we can offer better services because we make the software
I will try to summarize the answer to all three issues:
1. This is correct, we are not a service provider and we do not want to become one. It is true that our support department offers level 3 support, emergency support, and consulting to a lot of providers, but I think that this is one of our main assets. Usually, software companies do not have a good support, so having such activity recommends us not only from the software perspective.
2. We do not compete with our customers. Our hosted service is a premium one and it was designed to:
- provide study material for hosting providers. All the docs created for this service can be “adapted” by our customers on their service. Check this document