Posts Tagged Under: task management

The Productivity Box: Balancing Efficiency and Productivity

Ever since the dawn of modern time, maximizing output while minimizing waste is crucial for business success. Two concepts that are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings are efficiency and productivity. Understanding the difference between them and learning how to obtain a balance is essential for achieving optimal performance at work.

The Productivity Box: Balancing Efficiency and Productivity

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Stages of Returning to Work after the Winter Holidays

For most employees, the last few weeks of December are dedicated to holiday parties, time off, or low-productivity days in the office. Very few people schedule meetings because no one would attend and those who are available often work on low-priority tasks. When not at work, people are traveling, enjoying festive events, or simply relaxing. It’s no wonder that upon returning to work, some experience a case of holiday hangover. Mild or more severe, we all need a minute to get back into the swing of things.

Stages of Returning to Work after the Winter Holidays

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Strategies to Reinvent Your Post-Pandemic Self

This year, both managers and employees began returning to the office after a long time of working remotely. While many people crave the return to normal entirely, not everything has to return to pre-pandemic ways. Now may be the best time to reinvent yourself in ways you never felt you could before so you can take steps towards professional growth.

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The Productivity Box: Making a Checklist, Checking It Twice

This season is hectic and there’s often no way around it. That mad rush to complete all of your end-of-year tasks while keeping up with holiday parties, office events, and family plans can feel nearly impossible. There’s a house to decorate, gifts to shop for, meals to plan out, and guests to entertain. And that’s on top of your normal workload. How do you balance it all, while holding onto sanity in the process? Let’s follow the magic of the checklist.

The Productivity Box: Making a Checklist and Checking It Twice

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The Productivity Box: The Multitasking Myth Got Busted, Start Monotasking Now!

If you’ve spent any amount of time in the workforce, chances are, you’ve already been exposed to the multitasking myth. Juggling with more things at a time on the job leads to success, while monotasking is for losers. Such a culture tends to glorify those who manage to tackle a dozen projects all at once. You know, the hustlers who have their coffee in one hand, their smartphone in the other, an overwhelming slew of tabs open on their computer screen, and notifications buzzing every few minutes. But myths get busted sometimes and now it’s one of those times!

The Productivity Box: The Multitasking Myth Got Busted, Start Monotasking Now

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Back to Work: How to Overcome the Post Holiday Blues

After a well-deserved vacation or relaxing staycation, it can be difficult to return to work. Your emails have piled up in your inbox, each one demanding your immediate attention. Your colleagues needed answers two days ago. What’s more, your boss already has a long list of tasks waiting for you. And all this happens while your brain struggles to transfer out of vacation mode. Don’t worry, the post holiday blues can be cured!

Back to Work: How to Overcome the Post Holiday Blues

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Jumpstart your Productivity in Five Easy Steps

When those initial stay-at-home orders went into effect back in March 2020, the mass shift to remote work seemed to boost productivity. But as this pandemic keeps bugging us even a year later, that productivity surge is now on the decline. While some organizations have seen a 5 to 8 percent increase in productivity within these last 12 months, most have suffered a 3 to 6 percent decrease in 2020 overall, according to Harvard Business Review

Jumpstart your productivity in 5 easy steps

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