Posts Tagged Under: mobility

Working From Home May Not Be For Everyone, But Mobility Is

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

There are countless studies that tackle the productivity debate regarding remote working versus driving to the office every day. But few have amassed the bulk of data found in Dell & Intel’s Global Evolving Workforce Study.

Commissioned by the technology duo and conducted by TNS Global, the research aims to pinpoint today’s workplace trends. Specifically, where and how people like to work and the technologies they prefer to employ. Two things jump at you from the data.

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With Unified Communications, Remote Working Is Easier Than Ever

Last year, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer made the headlines when she announced that her employees would no longer be able to work from home. Some industry pundits speculated as to whether that meant the end of remote jobs. A few months later however, Dell CEO Michael Dell announced his intention to enable half of his 14,000 workforce to work from home. At the time of his announcement, 20 percent of his team were already working from home.

So, while the jury is still out whether Yahoo fares better or not, Dell’s decision merely expanded what already proved to be a good decision: in 2012, thanks to its remote working policy, the company saved $14 million—and 6,735 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. It seems that offices will soon be a thing of the past, or at least will need to be re-imagined, as more and more companies are shifting to flexible working policies.

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