Posts Tagged Under: increased productivity

Three Nontraditional Ways to Boost Productivity

For a second, I challenge you to leave aside everything you’ve learned or heard about productivity so far. Every advice that prompts you to wake up before sunrise and read your goals out loud every night. The purpose of this article is not to invalidate the oldest tricks in the book. However, we cannot ignore the fact that many recipes are either hard to follow, or simply won’t work for a lot of people. The good news is there are ways to boost productivity 🙂
Three Nontraditional Ways to Boost Your Productivity

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Fight Exhaustion and Stay Productive with These 12 Essential Tips

Fight Exhaustion and Stay Productive at Work with These 12 Essential Tips

To stay productive despite being tired is an often-recurring challenge. We’ve all been there. For whatever reason, we feel tired yet we have to work. Having to deal with the consequences of not getting enough sleep is one thing. Add to this feeling exhausted, anxious or burned out. Sometimes it is work pressure that does it.
Without reservation, prolonged wakefulness is today’s second-hand smoking. Yes, this has much to do with sleep deprivation. Prolonged wakefulness means that we are not getting enough sleep. In fact, most people sleep far less than they should. And this can have significant impacts on cognitive performance. We also overindulge on coffee, and spend far too many hours sitting on a chair. We procrastinate, misuse breaks, don’t breathe right and have all sorts of productivity issue. Despite all of this, we often find ourselves in an odd situation. We need to stay productive while tired.
Fight Exhaustion and Stay Productive with These 12 Essential Tips

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workplace diversity

Here’s How Workplace Diversity Boosts Profitability

Any company should care about improving diversity: it accounts for success. And it will develop your image as an employer. Millennials in particular choose who to work with rather than for. And it matters who you are.

Workplace diversity is strongly related to team performance and overall profitability. But achieving such diversity comes with many challenges. Here’s how to go through them.

Here’s How Workplace Diversity Boosts Profitability

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Boost productivity with strategic breaks

Boost Productivity with Strategic Breaks and Sustainable Focus

Boost productivity with breaks, it sounds counterintuitive. After all, productivity means that you are doing effective work. And no effective work happens on a break. In fact, this is a limited view on productivity.
In the past, more hours of work had a direct effect on production. More man-hours, meant more manufactured goods. The relation between time and the items produced was obvious.
Yet even then people had the right idea about productivity. Allegedly, Ford shocked the world by adopting the 40-hour workweek. And it worked! Even thought it made no sense at the time, it boosted productivity.
Boost productivity with strategic breaks

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workplace diversity

Workplace Diversity – A Crucial Issue for Millennials

Millennials define the workplace diversity phenomenon in a surprisingly novel way. Moreover, it influences their sense of teamwork and their productivity. That’s not something to be ignored, to be sure. By 2025 millennials will cover nearly 3 quarters of all jobs.
Workplace diversity has long been an issue. A century ago it sounded like the recipe for a disaster. In the meantime, it has become the recipe for success. What changed? Two world wars, globalization, social movements and emancipation. We live in a very different world today. And change is accelerating, without a doubt.
Yet a lot of “yesterday” drags into “today.” And tomorrow seems as far as it is close. Soon we’ll have a colony on Mars. And 3D printing construction robots will build structures on the Moon. But somehow women make up just 15 percent of NASA’s teams

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