Posts Tagged Under: employee retention

The Four Phases of Effective Onboarding

Onboarding is the process through which a new employee is introduced to the organization, to the team, and to their role within. Proper, effective onboarding sets the employees up for success and enables them to integrate seamlessly. A successful process also helps the company improve its retention rates, overall morale, and employee engagement on the long run.

The Four Phases of Effective Onboarding

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happiness at work

Why Companies Should Focus More on Achieving Happiness at Work

Happiness at work has been a trendy topic for quite some time now. Everyone is curious, even nervous about it. From companies to scientists and employees. There is an abundance of studies and articles that draw quite a picture. Some argue that happiness at work can even make or break your business. Others find that it’s all inconclusive.
In fact, companies with happy employees score better

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A Manager’s Guide to Giving Feedback to Interns

Let’s not beat around the bush: unless things are going exceptionally great, giving and receiving feedback can be pretty unpleasant. If you want to make things even harder, consider giving feedback to your youngest teammates, the ambitious, career-seeking interns. Here are some honest, hands-on tips on how not to get tangled in emotions and deliver an inspiring feedback.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

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The Effects of Turnover Go Far Beyond HR Expenses

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Most business owners are careful not to overspend by hiring people with only a decent skill-set in hopes of training them to become experts in the long run. But if the U.S. is any indication, this approach couldn’t be more wrong.

When making career moves, Americans don’t look inside their organization for an opportunity two switch lanes. Instead, they look into the offerings of other companies. 93% of U.S. adults report leaving their employer to

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Your Happiness Drives Your Productivity

Dale Carnegie, the famous American writer, used to say that people rarely succeed, unless they are having fun in what they are doing. Future experiments showed he was onto something 🙂 Turning frowns upside down seems to generate more work effort and engagement.

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