Posts Tagged Under: AI

The Future of Call Centers: Exploring Cloud-Based Technology

Call centers have come a long way since their inception. From brick-and-mortar establishments with rows of cubicles and landline telephones, they have evolved to become agile and sophisticated operations. The advent of cloud technology has revolutionized the call center industry, paving the way for increased efficiency, enhanced customer experience, and improved security. In this article, we will delve into the shift in call center technology, explore the benefits of cloud-based call centers, examine the challenges in their implementation, and predict what the future holds for this dynamic industry.

The Future of Call Centers: Exploring Cloud-Based Technology

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Time Management Tips

Time Management – 4 Easy Ways to Gain Control of Your Work Time

Time management is a skill you can learn. If only you had the time. To be fair, it might seem a lot less crucial than it is. Yet, today’s world is full of time challenges. There never seems to be enough time for anything. People are always in a hurry, everybody is always busy.
Some would love to have more time to spend with family and friends. Others would really enjoy spending that extra time in the gym. Or doing yoga, meditating, learning an instrument. There are some for whom there is never enough time. In fact, the common denominator for all entrepreneurs is that they never have the time. And, with startups as well as with anything else in life, being on time is crucial.
Time Management Tips

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One Way AI Can Make Your Team More Productive

One Way AI Can Make Your Team More Productive

AI is the ominous presence of this century. Artificial Intelligence, looming over us like Frankenstein’s monster. While some fear that our future is in the Matrix, others hope for more of an “I, Robot” version. With three highly principled laws that protect all that is human from any possible harm (including emotional harm). Elon Musk would have you believe we’re already living in a simulation.

The fascination with AI often lingers in our minds because the possibilities seem endless. And various implementations of AI are becoming more and more affordable. Startups can already use AI to play around and figure new ways to boost productivity.

One Way AI Can Make Your Team More Productive

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The Smartest Investments in 2016 Will Be in Disruptive Tech

The fourth annual Global Technology Innovation Survey by KPMG predicts a number of technologies that will enable the next revolution in the consumer world. These include including cloud computing (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), mobility, the Internet of Things (IoT), data & analytics, biotech, 3D printing, cyber security, artificial intelligence/cognitive computing, and digital currency platforms.

Different countries are banking on different things. Everyone agrees that the Cloud is going places, and the easiest to convince is China. Because of their faith in cloud computing, the Chinese are also vying with great enthusiasm for Artificial Intelligence (AI). But this is more common sense than it is insight.

Cloud, IoT, and Data (in short, Cloud)

A more important takeaway from the lofty report is the part about

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Jobs Involving Communication Hardest to Replace by Machines

Want to stay relevant as machines gradually take over the world? Pick a job that can’t be automated. The work done by humans is getting systematically replaced by devices as time progresses and technology makes new leaps forward. It’s a fact of life that our society is all too familiar with. But there are still plenty of tasks that will be hard to replace by gadgets.

The jobs that machines fumble over are incidentally the same jobs that make life exciting. Choreographers, fire fighters, chiropractors, art directors, coaches, and many others can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that robots won’t render them irrelevant any time soon

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They’ve Done It – Researchers Create Artificial Skin That Senses Touch

Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Stanford this week featured an article about its latest technological feat: artificial skin that can “feel.” That’s right. Professor Zhenan Bao and a few other engineering wizards have put the finishing touches on a material that can replicate human skin and sense touch and pressure and send those signals to the human brain.

The “skin” is made of two layers of rubber, one of which has a flexible circuit printed on it. In between the two layers there’s a

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Stephen Hawking’s AMA Answers Are In – “Beware of AI”

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

Remember when theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking teamed up with other illustrious minds to sign an open letter warning about the potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence? No? Well, he did, and he also agreed to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything) where everyone could pitch in with their own questions and opinions about the future – not necessarily about AI in particular – and now the answers are in.

Hawking is still bent on making his own artificial voice heard about the perils of AI, so he focused on answering the questions that touched this topic in particular. Some highlights:

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Prediction or Inevitability? By 2030 We’ll Be Fully Merged With The Cloud

Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash

Someone took Transcendence very, very seriously. Allegedly, our entire beings will be merged with the cloud via nanobots in less than 15 years from now. That, according to Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google.

If anyone knows anything about information – how it’s stored, managed, and shared across the globe – it’s probably the guys behind the world’s biggest search engine. Speaking at the Exponential Finance conference, the computer scientist touched on many of his decade-old predictions, including one about human nature and our restless need to evolve technologically.

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Computers Can Now Tell Pain

We still rely on hospital staff to tell whether a person – who is under medical treatment and cannot communicate – is in pain. But nurses might soon be able to go on a lunch break without worrying that their mystery coma patient will succumb while they’re munching away.

Researchers at UC San Diego have developed a computer vision algorithm that can assess pain levels by analyzing the patient’s facial expressions. It’s not a first, but the results of this new study are far more promising than ever before.

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