Posts Tagged Under: advertising

How Often Do You Pull Out Your “Digital Cigarette?”

Contextual analytics is a useful tool for assessing effectiveness of your advertising efforts. Knowing when and where your customers are likely to view your ads can make or break your campaign, so it’s important to check the trends every now and then.

People are social creatures. They like to get together and chat when they finish work or during weekends, be it at home, in another person’s home, in bars and restaurants, clubs, art galleries, etc. But people also do a lot of their communication and socializing on their smartphones. In fact, the smartphone has become every marketer’s best bet in terms of platform

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Find Out Which Platforms Sell Your Product

Photo by on Unsplash

Our experience with code has taught us that platform optimization plays a crucial role in grabbing and retaining a customer base – essentially creating your market share. Ship a half-baked app and customer loyalty is immediately affected. Ship a polished, seamless, airtight experience and they’re yours to keep.

Whether you sell physical goods or services, online or offline, it helps to know what devices people own. Smartphones and tablets have become de-facto platforms for ad delivery and shopping, and marketers everywhere strive to deliver a compelling viewing experience on these gizmos.

Device ownership heavily determines the way people

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Brands That Do Good Do Well

Ten years ago, only a handful of brands had sustainability on their agendas. Today, it’s something of a requirement. Technological advancement comes with a price: responsibility. And thanks to the Internet, most of the world’s population is on the same page regarding the dangers faced by our planet, and indeed humanity itself.

Nielsen has discovered that Generation X and Generation Z – which makes up most of today’s consumer base – is willing to pay extra for products and services that come from brands who are committed to positive social and environmental impact. More than 70% of both cohorts, to be precise. Brands that establish a reputation in this area have an immense opportunity to

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Your Marketing Is In the Hands of Your Customers, Not Your Ad Agency

What is an ad campaign if not a premeditated push meant to woo the public into thinking something good about a particular product or service. Ad campaigns tell you what to think. Truth be told, some of them are impactful or utterly sincere and make perfect sense to exist – such as a nonprofit fighting for equality. But most of them aren’t.

If there’s anything we can learn from the campaigns put forth by NGOs, it’s that advertising – in their case, creating awareness about a cause – is not so much the responsibility of the artists who created the poster or the video, but the responsibility of the follower sharing that content with others in the hope that they will join the crusade

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They Say Timing Isn’t Everything, But These Numbers Beg to Differ

Photo by Florian Biedermann on Unsplash

I recently heard someone say “timing isn’t everything,” in that it shouldn’t be at the top of your to-do list as a general rule. I thought, fair enough. It doesn’t have to be the #1 priority all the time, that much is true. But it’s still up there, regardless of your line of work. In marketing, it’s as important as any other issue.

Getting the content right is usually a non issue in marketing. Basically, you just need “something” that can be used in a campaign. It’s not a priority – it’s a must! Without the content, you don’t have marketing, period. Now, since content creators are everywhere, putting together a colorful banner or a video is not a pressing issue. What you do with that content is much more important.

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When Collaboration And Marketing Don’t Mix

In a recent blog entry, we touted collaboration as the key to a better world. We based it on the research of one John Velez, Assistant Professor at the College of Media & Communication, who discovered that co-op gaming improves social behavior. But while collaboration betters the world in general, it’s not necessarily the recipe for better marketing.

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