Search Results for: productivity box

How to help your team overcome mental health issues during the pandemic

For almost a year we are going through what psychologists call collective trauma, which makes us live in fear and uncertainty. Hundreds of thousands of people lost someone they loved, millions got sick, and even more lost their job. The majority of those who are lucky enough to still be here and have a job are most probably working from home, doing the same thing every day, locked between four walls, with the same people. All of these are taking a significant toll on their psychical stability and are generating many mental health issues. 

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Why Objectivity Is the Keyword and Toxic Positivity Can Come Back like a Boomerang

We’ve all heard the phrase positive vibes only. To be honest, it drives me nuts. It’s something meant to reinforce the idea that you should focus on all the good things that are happening instead of dwelling on the bad. Which is good in theory, if you don’t amplify it out of control. However, from a certain point on, it will turn into an ugly monster, also known as toxic positivity.

Why Objectivity Is the Keyword and Toxic Positivity Can Come Back like a Boomerang

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Getting into the Flow: Fact or Fiction?

You’re sitting at your desk. The phone rings and breaks your concentration. When you pick it up, you notice it’s nearly lunchtime, and you’ve been working for a few hours, without distractions. While getting up from the chair, your legs feel completely numb. You take stock of the project on your screen and realize you’re almost done. At a quick glance, you also realize that it’s done well 😀 Congratulations, you’ve just experienced the flow state!

Getting into the Flow: Fact or Fiction

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Farewell, 2020, you taught us many lessons

If you ask 10 different people to define the year that’s coming to an end tomorrow, you’ll get 10 different answers. Same if you ask 1000. Because 2020 was tough, bumpy, and full of unpredictability in all possible areas. And we can all agree that it has forever changed the way we work and interact, both in doing business and in our private lives.

happy new year

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Tips to Improve Your Home Workspace

The Coronavirus pandemic has in a very short period of time profoundly impacted our lives, changing the very way we live, work, and socialize. These days, many employees are trying to adjust to working from home – sometimes without a proper workspace available – and being productive in the midst of it all can be a real challenge. However, of all the challenges that come with this transition, setting up an accommodating home office is one of the easiest to fix.

Tips to improve your home workspace

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Empower Your Teamwork with these 7 Team Building Activities Without Leaving the Office

Companies all around the world go above and beyond to build strong teams capable of performing difficult tasks with the minimum amount of resources, in the shortest possible time. That is the very definition of productivity. All leaders and managers know that having people work together means enhanced problem-solving capabilities and greater potential for innovation. And this is how team building activities were born.

Empower your teamwork with these 7 team building activities without leaving the office

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4 Life Approaches and How They Affect Your Work Attitude

Someone once said “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” Okay, well, it was the sage wisdom of Mrs. Gump, but regardless, it’s a great metaphor for how unpredictable life can be. Sometimes it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, sometimes it’s disappointing, and other times it’s so incredible you need to stop and savor the moment because you know that it’s fleeting. This rings true in every facet of our day-to-day, especially in professional settings. There is so much that is beyond our control, so how we approach life directly impacts our work attitude and how we navigate our workday.

While there are many approaches, there are 4 that have a big impact on success.

How your life approach affects your work attitude

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Keep Focus and Be a Great Leader for Your Team

A great company or team culture – one that’s productive, positive and growth-oriented – starts with a great leader.

Becoming a leader that your team members want to follow is not just a simple prescriptive or formulaic check of the box. This will require you to focus on your team, be reliable to show up, intentional with your actions, and consistent in being present.

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Maximize Your Work Time

Maximize Your Work Time with These 5 Easy Steps

Work time is a salad that mixes productivity with breaks. Undeniably, breaks can make you more productive, yet many of them eventually turn out to be ineffective or simply unnecessary. By default, work time is expected to be productive. Markedly, either by doing more or better or both. So far, these are the two main approaches to boosting productivity. And most types of work require a mix of the two.
Maximize Your Work Time

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Team Dynamics Is More Than Finding the Right Mix of People

Team dynamics are, in essence, processes and behaviors transpiring among team members. Team dynamics have a profound, albeit subtle impact. They influence both team performance and overall productivity. Indeed, the key dynamics of any team stem from roles and responsibilities. But it goes deeper than that. This guide covers team dynamics at length. To that end, we will follow both theory and practice over a series of articles. Even more, each article in this series offers actionable tips.

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