For Leaders, Work Itself Is a Paycheck

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Passionate leaders see life as a mission. So they go above and beyond to fulfill it. They walk their talk, they convey their beliefs without dismissing others, and they stay committed when times are hard. But most of all, they don’t settle. To be able to say that your work is your life and you wouldn’t change it for the world, now that’s self-fulfillment!

Mentality wise, the differences between people who live paycheck to paycheck and those who run their own successful business are vast. For one thing, the former group leads a life of pressure where stress is the norm. They see the world as a jungle that rewards only the fittest, a race to a safe heaven that will hopefully occur before retirement. The latter group worries too, but about different things. Like failing to change the world

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How Teamwork Cuts Time in Half [Infographic]

Synergy can be of massive help if you know how to use it.  For that, we want to share with you this infographic that summarizes 11 ways in which you can put yourself into hyper-productive mode by guarding your time, procrastinating wisely, working in groups, and others alike.

Image Credit: Veri Ivanova (

Image Credit: Veri Ivanova (

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Quote of the Day by Adlai Stevenson II

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Few of us are popular growing up, and even fewer attain the status once they’ve left their nest. Yet society demands it. From beauty magazines to the movie industry, the media is sending a clear message that we should all aim to be rich, good looking, and preferably adorn a billboard or two.

That’s not necessarily bad if these goals are within reach. But for most of the world’s population, they’re not. Promoting such a culture when only a select few hold the winning ticket may not be the best approach to achieving a sane society

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Collaboration Is More Than “All-In-One”

I’m sure you’ve been in situations where one minute you’re posting on Twitter, the next you’re checking your inbox or answering a chat message. And two minutes later you’re in a call while skimming an article someone shared on Facebook, wondering whenever you got there in the first place. Simply put, we have too many networks to keep an eye on and too little time on our hands. Fortunately, there are solutions and one of them comes from Hubgets.
Collaboration Is More Than All-In-One | Hubgets

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Unified Communications to Gain Serious Traction by 2019

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Despite increased awareness about Unified Communications (UC) solutions, many businesses are slow to upgrade, or downright reluctant to do so. Reportlinker shares some numbers as part of a recent market analysis, and predicts a serious uptick in adoption over the next three years.

Compared to 2014, UC adoption in 2015 has not been considerably higher. In fact, some parts of the globe have fallen short of expectations, according to various market researchers, including the fine gents at IDC. But Reportlinker is optimistic about the next few years, projecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.42 per cent for the global UC 2.0 services market over the period 2015-2019

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A Computer That Can Predict the Future

Photo by noor Younis on Unsplash

If you’re like most people, chances are you didn’t always get what you wanted for Christmas when you were growing up. A wool sweater is no substitute for a bike, but you have to give your parents credit for keeping you warm during harsh winters.

Today, knowing what your kids want under the tree is as easy as watching the trends. Or, you can enlist the help of a supercomputer that can do that for you. One example is

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What IT Pros Want the Most Is Not Money

Photo by Arif Riyanto on Unsplash

Recruiting top knack is a sure way to success, but talented people don’t grow on trees. High aptitude needs to be lured in. You can’t expect to build a great team if the incentive isn’t there.

In response to a new Dice survey, 45 percent of respondents occupying various positions in tech said they wanted more of a work-life balance, but couldn’t achieve it. 27 percent said work-life balance was a myth, and only 5 percent claimed that this was a top priority for them.

Here’s where it gets interesting. According to the data, bigger companies with a more stable future are more afraid than smaller ones when it comes to

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How Teamwork Technology Makes Meetings Efficient Again

Statistically, 9 out of 10 people prefer to interact at work in any other way than meetings. It’s a long-known culprit in corporate but also in SMB environments that apply standard operational formulas. Alternatives are hard to come by. You need to buy video conferencing tech, you need to triple-check that attendants are at their desk, that their computer supports the platform etc. Actually, we should have used past tense here as alternatives are no longer hard to come by.

How to build credibility with your team

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5 Cloud Myths That Seriously Need to Go Away

Photo by Jordan Harrison on Unsplash

Anyone landing on this page should already be acquainted with terms like public and private cloud, SaaS, IaaS, Paas, hybrid cloud, etc., so we’ll spare you the agony of reading first-grade tech literature. However, as we noted in the past time and time again, not everyone who grasps cloud computing knows what to fear and what to embrace.

For example, security remains a top concern even for tech leaders, yet cloud vendors have already proved that their heuristic systems can be much more effective at stopping cybercriminals in their tracks. But then there are also some exaggerated benefits, like the cloud being the cheaper solution 100% of the time, or that everything just works in the cloud. Below, we deal a heavy blow to 5 relentless myths about cloud computing that always claw their way up tech leaders’ spines, no matter how much evidence mounts against them.

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Tucked inside Forrester’s Cloud Predictions for 2016 is a tidbit about cloud security that I simply gave to share with our readers. Consider it a “quote of the day” substitute. But first, some context.

Analysts predict that, after reaching mainstream appeal in 2015, the cloud is set to shift into the next gear with the focus on expanding use cases and automation. As a result of this, the big boys will get bigger, and small players will have to up their game or die. Specifically, 2016 will be a shakeup year which will force many current providers to refocus on a narrower field, retreat from cloud or exit

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