5 Reasons Why Cloud Equals Operational Efficiency

Photo by qimono on Pixabay

Cloud computing is having a field day. Around 90 percent of the companies in North America use cloud services in one form or another, predominantly private cloud solutions – or a privately-hosted cloud. Of those, nearly half have had a two-year run with the trending technology.

RightScale’s 2015 State of the Cloud report indicates that 88 percent of companies are using public cloud services, while two thirds are using a private cloud. 58 percent use both, and more than 80 percent have a hybrid adoption strategy set in place. It’s clear that one cloud doesn’t fit all, which is why it’s important to outline some basic facts about successful cloud deployments

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How Basic Well-Being Generates Engagement, Growth and Profits

Photo by Alan Hardman on Unsplash

Working-class citizens can count their biggest problems on the fingers of one hand. Two fingers is all it takes to “enumerate” the main deterrents faced by those who wake up and go to work every morning: lack of engagement and lack of well-being.


Healthways in collaboration with Gallup uncovered that employees who are engaged and have high well-being are 42% more likely to evaluate their overall lives highly, 27% more likely to

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Can We Go 100% Renewable by 2050? Greenpeace Says ‘Yes’

Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash

Greenpeace’s 5th Energy [R]evolution report is out with bold projections about the future of sustainability, claiming that it is within our reach to fully uncouple from the grid and harness renewable sources for all our energy needs by 2050.

For the first time in decades, CO2 emissions last year were stable. As a result of declining coal consumption in China,  energy-related CO2 emissions remained stable across the globe in 2014. This, despite continued economic growth. But that’s only half the story told

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UK Teachers Feeling Obsolete

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Almost three quarters of teachers responding in a poll admitted feeling left behind by new technology. In the case of some tutors, however, the problem was not that they couldn’t understand it or wield it.

Over 50% of the teachers agreed that interactive technology makes for a richer teaching/learning experience, and 57% touted engagement with students as the primary perk of interactive technology in the classroom. 81.5% reported using interactive whiteboards and 63.9% said they use laptops. Around half said they brought a tablet to the classroom on a regular basis

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Welcome to Hubgets!

  • 30th Oct 2015
  • by

My name is HUG and I am the Hubgets mascot. This is my first article on the blog and I am pretty shy.
Welcome to Hubgets

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The Spoken Word – Strong as Ever in the Face of New Tech

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Not too long ago, when we called someone we used to keep our fingers crossed for them to be close by to pick up the phone. When cell phones hit the mainstream, reaching someone became easier, but calling them wasn’t cheap. So although people were more certain to hear each other, they didn’t do so considerably more often.

Then came the smartphone which forever changed the playground. Communication took on even more forms. Instant messaging was added to the mix, along with email on the go and video chatting. Today, voice calls are a lot cheaper, but according to numbers dished out by Nielsen, the traditional “hello” has neither increased, nor decreased in usage

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All Companies Want to Innovate (As Long As They Don’t Have To Change)

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

Not too long ago, disruption was something found solely on the agenda of big enterprises. In recent times, small businesses have begun to exercise innovation as a way to stand out from the crowd. According to the 2015 State of Global Innovation report by Imaginatik, almost every company in every industry has put innovation at the top of their to-do list. However, not all of them can cope with the implications.

The service innovation company conducted the study with the goal of assessing just how disruptive today’s mid- and large-sized organizations have become. The surveyed industries, (with the percentage of companies polled in that field of work) include

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Customers Want Complaints Answered Where They Were Posted

Photo by Neringa Šidlauskaitė on Unsplash

Funny story: I decided to change my ringtone to a real song by a real band, so I looked up “how to change ringtone on iOS.” I landed on a 1,000-word post that explained the nightmarish process. After decidedly sticking with my stock tunes, I felt like venting a little on Twitter.

Apple has always made it unnecessarily difficult to add and extract files to and from an iOS device, especially ringtones. It has to do with the stronghold on the content routed through iTunes. While it’s fair towards the artists, it’s excruciatingly frustrating for the end user. Surely there’s a way to please both parties. Alas, they’ve yet to implement it

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VoipNow Grows On You, With You

Photo by geralt on Pixabay

The future of communication and collaboration is the Internet. How do we know this? Because the future is already here.

As pioneers of Unified Communications for the cloud, we witnessed (and helped) the Internet gobble up hardware and convert it into software from the front row

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Yes, It’s Possible to Go 100% Remote And Get Instant Benefits

Photo by Persnickety Prints on Unsplash

At 4PSA, we are strong proponents of remote working. We develop solutions that assist this culture and we know first hand that it works to the benefit of modern companies – where most of the workforce uses a computer to carry out its duties.

20 years ago, remote working was a luxury that few could afford. As a culture, it didn’t even exist. Firstly, there weren’t nearly as many types of businesses that could benefit from it. Then there’s the aspect of mobility – namely, the lack thereof – back then. Neither the hardware, nor the software (let alone the Internet) could sustain a telecommuting culture in the 90s, or even in early 2000s. Cloud computing was virtually inexistent, laptops were clunky, wireless Internet was scarce, tablets were still in their prototype stages, and because of this, people were forced to come into the office 8 hours a day, 5 days a week to do their job. Not anymore

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