We Released VoipNow 1.6.5 – Enjoy it

Just a short Friday night update. We released VoipNow 1.6.5, this is a bug fix release and we STRONGLY recommend you to update because it has some important fixes. Most likely will be the last VoipNow 1.x increment (when we will release patches for VoipNow 1.x the version will stay 1.6.5). Of course, we have updated the repository, the ISO Image, the VMware Image, the Amazon EC2 image and the Virtuozzo templates. Have fun.

To anticipate some questions, VoipNow 2 is close 🙂

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January Daily Activity…

For quite a while it was quiet on this blog. This does not mean that we forgot about it :). The truth is that we are very busy with several things.

First, it’s about software releases. VoipNow 2 is in a state when technically it can be released in the beta stage. We will do this in the next days, but first we try to solve all issues that resulted from the automatic tests. This will take maybe two weeks more. We also have some new and not so major releases that we must close, which involve a lot of work.

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The Non Scalable Business

One of the most important things in business is to think scalable. If you want to start a business and dimension it only for the first 100 customers, than something is wrong with your plans and the business will most likely fail. We all see success stories from people that started a business without anticipating its grow, but this usually happens with businesses that offer something very innovative and in very few cases (I could not find any official statistics regarding this, but I am sure that less than the success rate in these conditions is less than 0.01%).

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New 4PSA Software for Plesk 9

We released yesterday new 4PSA software packages for Plesk 9. There are a number of general improvements that affected all products (as we have 11 packages for Plesk, I will not discuss about any particular product, but about things that affected all of them):

New installer. This installer works (for the moment) with Linux distributions that support RPM packaging (Redhat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora, Suse). It is very easy to install bundles or separate products with the installer, as you only have to choose the packages you want to install.

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VoipNow 2 Webinar Schedule. Join Now!

It looks like we made a mistake with the VoipNow 2 webinar schedule. Initially we planned it for 28 November, but we forgot about the US Thanksgiving Day. Therefore we fixed this mistake and rescheduled the webinar for Wednesday, 3 December 2008, 16:00GMT (US Eastern: 11:00 EST, US Pacific: 8:00 PST, Central Europe: 17:00 CET).

The 4PSA VoipNow webinar will be held by VoipNow’s chief architect and will contain in-depth information about the new system features, upgrade to VoipNow 2 process and future platform development. The system presentation will take around 60 minutes and will be followed by an interactive questions and answers session.

In order to join the webinar on Wednesday, please go here.

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VoipNow Hosted in Europe

Finally we introduced VoipNow hosted in Europe. Servers are located in Netherlands, in a location that provides excellent connectivity to the entire Europe. We ran some latency and packet loss tests with several contries in Europe and the results are very good.

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Clouds = Holy Grail?

Everybody seems to love clouds, judging after how many times per day I see the term “cloud” on my Internet browsing. A lot of people speak about clouds. Clouds seem to be the computing Holy Grail, and they will solve all past, present and future issues. Yes, they will also defeat the economic crisis and they will help companies survive (are you selling apples in the market? Don’t worry, the cloud is with you and it will save your business). Did I mention that clouds will create new jobs and will save software companies from disaster?

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Invitation to the free 4PSA VoipNow 2 Webinar

This is a nice opportunity to see VoipNow 2 before anyone else. On November 28, 2008 December 3, 2008, 4PSA will hold a 90 minutes webinar focused on VoipNow 2 features and functionalities. 4PSA VoipNow Chief Architect will explain how the new features help providers grow their business. If you want to register, please go here.

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