Gotta Share? Join The Social Unified Communications Group!

I’m a socially active user. I have a LinkedIn account for my business connections, Facebook for friends, and Twitter to stay updated with interesting news. Sometimes, I even write blog articles and torment my friends with them 😉 . But this does not stop me from sending emails, having voice calls or using the chat.

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Coffee Art At 4PSA

It’s summer in Bucharest and it’s kinda hot. Although this might sound weird, the best drink in such a warm day is a hot liquid. Some of my colleagues will choose a hot tea, but many of us will go with a delicious cup of steamy coffee. You can smell that unique fragrance of fresh coffee from the moment you step into the office in the morning and until late in the afternoon.

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Invitation to Cool Summer Internship Meeting – June 16, 2011

As anticipated, it will be hard to close the registrations for the Cool Summer Internships 🙂 That’s why we will let the program go for a few more days. If you like late minutes, we recommend the Web Developer (PHP, JavaScript) and the Software Quality Assurance Engineer positions. But as we previously said, we will consider anyone who passes our tests for any position.

We have tested/interviewed the vast majority of applicants by now. We want to thank you very much for your interest in 4PSA. We realize that there are many choices and the decision is tough.

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2011 Cool Summer Internship Update

Thank you for applying on Stagiipebune (or sending us the resumes directly), taking the online tests and solving the problems we published. We received a couple of very interesting solutions!

While we initially wanted to finish the recruitment stage of the program at the end of May, we discovered that it will not be possible due to the exams period. That’s why we will end this phase of the program around 10 June. We will publish an update next week with more details.

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2011 Cool Summer Internship Problem 1

Following the 4PSA Cool Summer Internships in Bucharest article, we publish today the first problem. We will have three problems and my feelings are that if you submit at least one correct solution, you will join our team. Of course, feel free to send solutions for all three problems we are going to publish.

We shall start with an architectural problem that targets mainly programmers, but it can also be solved by candidates applying for SQA or Security and Performance profiling positions. You have more than 48 hours to solve it!

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Cool Summer Internships in Bucharest

Summer is going to be hot in Bucharest, Romania. Close to 40 degrees Celsius (104 F), but lots of cool things to do, building the greatest 4PSA product ever. We will have great fun 😉

Do you want to have fun with us, contributing to really neat stuff and in the same time being paid for doing it? We have 12 internship positions for this summer! It is easy to join us, just follow the steps below.

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