Cool Summer Internship 2013 Race

Once again, we have a lot of openings for the 2013 Summer Internship in Bucharest, Romania. You can find the full list on the Stagiipebune website.

Our selection process is very similar to last year’s – basically every week we will publish at least one problem. You have to solve it and send us the solution.

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The Apps Team Takes The Scene

In one of our previous articles, we provided a short intro on 4PSA’s internal organization. Today, you can have a closer look at the Apps Team.

Who We Are

We are a bunch of passionate young developers who like taking up new challenges. Ranging from interns to seniors, from designers to coders, from cheerful to introspective, and from inquisitive to amenable, there is one thing we all have in common: we want to build great Apps.

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Enable BYOD For SMBs

Several days ago at 2013, I gave a presentation on BYOD and I think it is worth sharing it with those of you who did not attend.

What the heck is BYOD, you might ask yourselves. 😀 Before anything else, it’s a pretty complicated name for a process that is quite simple. BOYD allows employees to use their own devices for business purposes.

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The NoSQL Madness – Part 1

This article has been in draft for quite some time, and since one strike plus one storm led to a change in a flight schedule… what better moment for completing it? 😉


A few years ago, many developers somehow reached the conclusion that SQL databases are bad and the right solution would be no SQL databases. All this madness started when developers behind several highly popular services discovered that MySQL was not as scalable as they had hoped for.

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Meet Us On Saturday!

It’s time to meet the 4PSA teams. Well, not everyone, just some members that will socialize at the StagiiPeBune event that will take place on Saturday, March 16th, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Politechnica University of Bucharest in Faculty for Automatics and Computers hall.

We prepared for you some virtual reality training and of course, nice prizes for the brave ones that take on the challenge to bike into the cloud.

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An Intro Into Single Page Applications (SPA)

As we have mentioned in a previous post, among many other important things, the Apps Team builds specialized Apps for end-users.

An App must be able to run on various devices like smartphones, tablets and desktops and offer an outstanding user experience on any of these devices. We have an interesting approach – we build an App once and we are able to deploy it anywhere. Apps are written in JavaScript and they use a specialized stack framework.

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A Spring Love Story

The March day was slowly unfolding over the garden. The air was fresh and cheerful birds were singing up in the trees. Flowers of all colors turn their heads towards the sun to catch the warm spring rays.

If only words could let you feel the amazing fragrances everywhere…



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Why Are Containers Important For Apps

There is almost nothing more hip than Apps these days. Just read there’s an App to turn your Harlem Shake videos into guaranteed success 🙂

JavaScript App development, less visible to the end-user, is very much aided by something developers call Containers. The Container component arranges its items in a special layout.

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Beyond End-User Documentation

Software users get critical when confronted with an issue. There is also a good chance they will tell their friends they hate your software.

If you are a technical writer, the time when a customer can’t make head or tail of what you wrote is the best time to receive feedback. A technical writer’s challenge is to deliver the right information at the right time, without adding frustration.

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