How to Learn Faster and Smarter as a Working Adult

Thanks to emerging technology and droves of new graduates, today’s job market is more competitive than ever before. In fact, 78 percent of people said they would consider a job change this year, according to Brightwing Talent Insights Survey Results 2019.

With so many professionals open to making a job change, you’re going to be competing against strong candidates, whether you’re trying to grow in your current position or move into a new one.

How To Learn Faster and Smarter as a Working Adult

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Five Ways You Can Attract Customer Attention

Customers are the lifeblood of your company, and to be able to make your business flourish, you need to keep this stream steady. Still, attracting new customers for your business is not an easy task. With competition this strong nowadays, one has to approach this issue with all the seriousness it deserves.

Ways you can attract customer attention

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Workplace trends to watch

Workplace Trends to Watch

As companies become more competitive in attracting the best workforce and achieving the highest productivity with the lowest costs, workplace trends continue to change. During the previous years, we’ve seen paid vacations, nap rooms, game rooms, free buffet, remote offices, and other interesting ideas. But in 2019, people expect more.

Workplace trends to watch

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Empower Your Teamwork with these 7 Team Building Activities Without Leaving the Office

Companies all around the world go above and beyond to build strong teams capable of performing difficult tasks with the minimum amount of resources, in the shortest possible time. That is the very definition of productivity. All leaders and managers know that having people work together means enhanced problem-solving capabilities and greater potential for innovation. And this is how team building activities were born.

Empower your teamwork with these 7 team building activities without leaving the office

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Powerful Strategies for Building a Strong Remote Team

Having a remote team comes with great advantages. For team members, it means flexibility, less time wasted commuting, less stress, lower costs and increased autonomy. For companies it means access to global workforce with a minimum waste of resources. Being a win-win option, as of 2019, 66% of companies allow their employees to work remotely, while 16% are totally remote.

Strategies for building a strong remote team

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Five Strategies For a More Productive Workday

Everyone wants to have a more productive workday every day. To get more done, do it well, and to eventually leave the office feeling accomplished. However, in the busy and hectic modern workplace, that’s often easier said than done.

Strategies for a more productive workday

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How to Become a Master in Task Management

Everyone is guilty of workplace procrastination from time to time. Whether you’re checking social media or chatting with coworkers, procrastination can be easily abused, and can wreak havoc on your task management, productivity, performance, and even your health.

Become a master in task management

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