For the past couple of weeks, we have been rolling out our new logo and brand visuals. Let’s face it, everybody needs to update their online presence once in a while, but changing the logo and brand visuals is a different story.
Why We Did It?
We liked our old logo because it was ours, but we were aware that it was not telling much about us. That’s why we decided to change it, for the first time in history. Many people in our team were highly attached to the old logo, so this proved to be a difficult process. We held internal brainstorming sessions, brand key workshops, and we tried using specialists outside the company.
In the end, we created the new logo internally, using an iterative process. This worked better than using external talent because no one was able to understand better than us the mechanisms that made us build our products this way, or fully grasp the emotions that change 4PSA every day.
It’s all about the people and the story behind them.
The Future
When we founded 4PSA in 2002, we simply wanted to enable service providers to offer better services to their customers. We started with somewhat basic stuff like antivirus, anti-spam, backup and application provisioning. And our products proved to be successful very fast.
Many years later, we still help service providers improve the life of their customers, but focusing on more complex communication and collaboration. The cloud has always been the perfect way to “express” our products and services.
Please watch the presentation of the new logo at
Our logo changed, but our values will always stay the same. We hope that the new logo is a better mirror of these core values. A lot of people have brought their contribution, thank you, everyone!
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[…] You can read the full story of 4PSA’s new logo in Ms. Carstoiu’s latest blog post: […]
4PSA Unveils New Visual Identity | My Web Hosting Forum Blog 10 years ago
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