Gal Baggins' Post

How to Refresh Your Work Routine After Summer

Summer is a time for enjoying long days and relaxing vacations. Even the most productive offices slow down during the summer as employees and clients alike take time off from work and instead, enjoy extra hours with family and friends. However, now that the days are getting shorter and kids are returning to school, it’s time to refocus. Doing so when working in a hybrid environment, however, can be challenging. Use these steps to refresh your work routine so you can stay productive as you ease into fall.

How to Refresh Your Work Routine After Summer

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Become a Better Team Player at Work

Effective teamwork is the backbone of a successful organization. When you join forces with your coworkers in a productive way to reach a common goal, then you see results. This is how bright ideas come into focus, creative solutions take shape and unique perspectives are brought to the table. Being a good team player pays off.

Become a Better Team Player at Work

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How to Mentor Your Intern

Internships are becoming increasingly important for college students and entry level employees to build experience. According to a survey of more than 2,000 students, 85 percent said an internship is a valuable experience to enter their careers. Students use internships to develop specific skills and add workplace experience to their resumes. If you’re working with interns within your organization, you can develop this young talent and mentor them for future growth.

How to Mentor Your Intern

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The Happy Workplace: How to Create a Productive Work Culture

Company culture has a significant impact on organizational success. According to this Workplace Culture Survey, 77 percent of employees believe work culture influences their productivity while 74 percent believe it impacts their ability to serve customers. This means a successful culture can shape everything—from the number of deadlines you hit to your percent of satisfied customers. Ultimately, a happy workplace drives both individual and overall productivity.

Happiness at Work: How to Create a Happy and Productive Work Culture

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Strategies to Reinvent Your Post-Pandemic Self

This year, both managers and employees began returning to the office after a long time of working remotely. While many people crave the return to normal entirely, not everything has to return to pre-pandemic ways. Now may be the best time to reinvent yourself in ways you never felt you could before so you can take steps towards professional growth.

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Why Virtual Meetings Are So Exhausting

If you’ve experienced what Stanford University researchers call Zoom fatigue, rest assured, it’s not just in your imagination. The fact is, some virtual meetings cause exhaustion and contribute to burnout. However, they won’t be phased out anytime soon. So, it’s up to you to understand why this happens and how to mitigate it in order to stay healthy and productive.

Why Virtual Meetings Are So Exhausting

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Crafting Key Messages that Sell (Part IV) – Recruiting over the Internet

The tech industry has been on a bumpy ride ever since the pandemic began more than 3 years ago. 2021 kicked off the Great Resignation, a period where employees across hundreds of industries—not just in technology—took steps to leave their jobs. When that wave turned, a new term was coined, The Great Regret. Next, towards the end of 2022, the job market was hit by The Great Layoff. In a nutshell, it has been wild, both for recruiting teams and for employees.

Crafting Key Messages that Sell, Part IV - Recruiting over the Internet

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Simple Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude at Work

You might be surprised at how powerful a positive attitude can be in the workplace. Studies have shown that positive employees are more productive, more energetic, and less likely to need sick time than their unhappy counterparts. A positive outlook on life helps with stress management, makes you a better collaborator, and enables you to build a strong support circle in the workplace.

Simple Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude at Work

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Why It’s Best to Choose Hands-on IT Internships

Internships are increasingly popular among college students and recent grads. According to the National Survey of College Internships (NSCI), 21.5 percent of students complete internships before they graduate. This type of opportunity is perfect for learning and experiencing the jobs you think you want to do before you get out into the working world. Yet, only hands-on internships are the best.

Why It's Best to Choose Hands-On IT Internships

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