Empower Your Business Customers to Tackle the Remote Work Challenge

Hybrid work has been prevalent for the past few years and has introduced the remote work challenge. However, many companies still need to establish policies that enhance collaboration and productivity for teams working remotely.

Empower Your Business Customers to Tackle the Remote Work Challenge

Four strategies to overcome the remote work challenge

As you talk to your clients, you might hear some of the same pain points related to remote work as companies still try to find the best rhythm and solutions. This is good news. You can focus on these common pain points and provide proven solutions to help them.

Here are a few ways companies are struggling to adapt to remote work and how they can overcome them.

Help reduce remote work distractions

One of the biggest challenges of remote work is avoiding distractions. Home is much more distracting than the office and it’s easier to do non-work activities when your boss isn’t in the same building.

In fact, a 2023 survey found 75 percent of remote workers scroll on social media during the day while nearly 72 percent complete household chores. Other distracting activities include shopping online, watching TV, running errands, taking naps, and even having sex.

While no human can work non-stop throughout the day, you can help your clients create remote environments that reduce distractions. For example, by encouraging team members to have dedicated work spaces instead of working in the living room or at the kitchen table.

You can also make sure your clients are providing the right tools and technology to employees so software lags and slow load times don’t tempt them to take a break from their computers.

Work with clients to improve team collaboration

Another key issue with remote work is the reduced ability to collaborate. When working in the office, employees can walk from one desk to another to ask questions or pitch ideas. With hybrid work, impromptu conversations are more difficult.

Fortunately, you can make this a key point with your clients by discussing the multiple ways to collaborate and communicate digitally. A few suggestions can include:

  • Define schedules for when team members should be available to meet.
  • Establish discussion channels—standardize where and how meetings are held.
  • Encourage shorter but more frequent meetings.
  • Lead by example on how to collaborate with team members.

Every company is different, so encourage your clients to ask for feedback from employees on what is working and what isn’t. Their people might have fresh ideas to improve collaboration.

Become a work-life balance advocate

A 2022 survey of 28,000 full-time employees found that 79 percent of people believe remote work has improved their time away from the office. Additionally, 64 percent say it has saved them more than four hours each week in reduced commute and preparation times.

However, of the people who have not benefited from remote work, 36 percent say they have a hard time striking a balance between work and home life. It’s hard to disconnect from your job when you live and work in the same place—and employers know this very well after four years of battling it.

You can be a work-life balance advocate as you talk with your clients. Remind them that when employees can disconnect from work at the end of today, they can return to their desks refreshed and ready to do their best tomorrow. Here are some work-life strategies you can recommend.

Teach clients access management best practices

Access management is the process of controlling which employees are able to see various files or use different company systems. Access management is easier with in-office workers. When an employee leaves a company, the IT department can wipe their computer and prepare it for the next employee. This gets more challenging with remote workers who use their own devices to do work and aren’t in an office where the equipment can be managed.

Talk to your clients about access management and what happens if an employee leaves the company suddenly or on bad terms. Help them understand the value of restricting access immediately and having processes in place to make sure personal devices don’t fall into the wrong hands.

No one has a perfect remote work policy

Every company and department has its own remote work challenge. As you talk with your clients, identify their pain points and weaknesses. Next, brainstorm solutions so their teams become more effective.

These steps can do so much more than improve productivity. Effective hybrid teams will have lower turnover rates and greater levels of satisfaction in the long run—and help you stand-out as an impactful vendor in the process.

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