Posts in Category: teamwork

How Successful Collaboration Builds Award-Winning Robots

What happens when 14 people with a passion for robotics come together? They create robots and win 32 awards and prizes in top robotics contests. Their name is Flex Team and when we met them we were impressed with their passion and achievements. So we decided to support them in further developing robots. The key to successful collaboration and to building a winning autonomous robot is teamwork. The group of people you gather to make the project happen is the secret sauce. Help them communicate instantly, then add a touch of passion, and you can do anything. We couldn’t agree more, that’s how Hubgets enables teamwork 🙂

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Workplace Communication Upgrade for a Winning Business

Communication is the backbone of your company. The key to a winning workplace is connecting your team to work together more productively, in spite of the different dynamics and working styles. What if there was a tool that could boost employee efficiency by centralizing company communication and information in one interface?

workplace communication

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3 Tips to Solve Communication Problems with Your Clients

So what’s the secret behind successful customer relationship management? This question is no doubt on everyone’s lips these days and has turned into a hot topic for most businesses. If you’re looking for potential solutions, here’s one: find a proper communication channel which meets the needs of your organization and clients at the same time.

Communication Problems with Clients | Hubgets

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How to Help New Team Members Fit in and Deliver Fast

Coming together is the beginning; staying together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford said that a long time ago, but don’t we wish for the same thing in the workplace too? As with most things, it’s easier said than done. How exactly do you make beginnings happen the right way, and how can you ensure they grow into a long-term experience?
How to Help New Team Members Fit in and Deliver Fast | Hubgets

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Sweet God of Interruptions at Work

There’s a very good reason why I zone out when I have something to finish fast. That reason is usually associated with an annoying voice, but today it was associated with puppy eyes. Seriously, I feel that this is the best strategy to undermine a team’s focus under deadline. Enter #uberPuppies!
Puppy at Hubgets headquarters

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Hubgets Puts the “C” in UC&C

Larger teams generate better concepts, and the more diverse the team is, the higher the impact of their innovation efforts. That’s the key takeaway from a recent field study that showed how mixing up different departments and putting the right software in their hands can be an innovative idea in and of itself.

Hubgets is collaboration

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Meet Topics | Hubgets

Keeping Your Team Focused Is No Secret – Meet Topics

Every team has its own needs. Take the software industry for example. One team is coding, another is testing, while others are cooking up a marketing campaign. We know from experience that these simply don’t mix. That’s why it’s so useful to use Topics to keep your teams’ communication and collaboration focused on what matters.

Meet Topics | Hubgets

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Make Work Fun Again

While many companies put a lot of effort into attracting and hiring new talent, the most successful ones are those who also know how to retain talent. We think that a fun work environment is in part what keeps our talented people together, so we thought we’d share our “recipe of success” here.
Make Work Fun Again

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Teamwork Sans Email, Meetings and Phones

We need to do something with the emails that keep piling up, cut down on redundant meetings, and unplug that desk phone once and for all, yet still stay connected. Why not try a tool that does all three without you having to get up from your desk?
Teamwork Sans Email | Hubgets

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