Human bonds matter at work just as much as elsewhere. But how can you really connect with the people you work with? And how can you prepare the ground for great teamwork?
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Let’s not beat around the bush: unless things are going exceptionally great, giving and receiving feedback can be pretty unpleasant. If you want to make things even harder, consider giving feedback to your youngest teammates, the ambitious, career-seeking interns. Here are some honest, hands-on tips on how not to get tangled in emotions and deliver an inspiring feedback.
Photo by Headway on Unsplash
Romania’s women’s epee team won the gold medal at the Rio Olympics after they were eliminated from the individual tournament. Paradoxically, they failed as one, but won first place as a team. How is that possible? Science seems to have an answer for this.
Photo by Eugene Lim on Unsplash
Derek Redmond, Wilma Rudolph, Kerri Strug, Billy Mills and Gabriela Andersen-Schiess are five iconic figures from the history of the Olympic games. They are all proof that strength comes from within and it conquers any obstacle, pain, and injustice. Watch them as they deliver an unforgettable performance and their view of the events years after.
Today there are over 80 million Millennials in the US only, and by 2020, they will form 50% of the global workforce. If you’re a manager today, it’s already critical that you understand what makes this digital-native generation tick.
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Have you ever wondered what’s the story behind the Terracotta Army? It so happens that, on a lazy Sunday afternoon, I discovered an amazing documentary about the Chinese emperor who ordered the creation of the terracotta statues of his soldiers. While learning more about ancient China, I realized that this 2,500 years old civilization had an incredible onboarding process (better than some modern-day companies) and we can learn a lot from it.
The Terracotta Army (Image Source: Colin Capelle)
It’s July 17th, so we couldn’t miss celebrating #WorldEmojiDay! We’re such big fans of these little funny pictograms that we just had to make a short movie about them/us. Who says you can’t act like an emoji?
We made this little experiment to see if you can actually be loud and clear just by making faces. And yes, you can! 🙂
More and more companies need a toolbox to help them interact in real time with partners, clients and even remote employees.
However, running remote meetings in particular comes with its own challenges. Sometimes the participants are on different time zones. Everyone needs to be updated prior to the meeting regarding the topic of the conversation. Tasks have to be shared and everyone must have a clear understanding of the entire project. Not to mention the online meeting itself has to unfold without any technical problems.
I’ve been using this simple, yet highly effective method for a long time.
Of all the anti-procrastination techniques out there, the Pomodoro technique has helped me the most to overcome difficult moments, from lack of motivation to the old writer’s block. So I decided to learn more about the science behind its success. Here’s what I found.