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Before Deploying Cloud Collaboration Software, Ask Yourself This

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Before Deploying Cloud Collaboration Software, Ask Yourself This

Service providers can no longer afford to keep their hands clean of any cloud business. Nor should they. In today’s competitive marketplace, moving operations to the cloud isn’t just worth considering. It’s a must.

Aggregated research from Infonetics shows that more than half of companies across North America will be running cloud-based UC software in one form or another by 2016. The research also includes a projection according to which the cloud PBX & UC segment will be valuated at $12 billion by 2018.

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Technology To The Rescue! Inefficient Collaboration Can (and Will) Endanger Your Business

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Lately, everybody speaks about how you can increase productivity with better collaboration. Let’s think about how we are used to work together: in-person meetings, one-on-one discussions, phone calls that never end etc. Remember those days when, if you stepped away from your desk phone for just a few minutes, you had every chance to miss a business opportunity, or play phone tag for the remainder of the day?! Well, not anymore.

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Quote Of The Day By Lance Armstrong

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

It’s funny how certain things will occur no matter how small the odds are. Such as winning the lottery, surviving a plane crash, or even the emergence of life on Earth. All these have been known to happen, but ever so sparsely.

When it comes to determining the probability of things happening or not, maths and physics come in very handy. An event that has a 0.00001% probability of occurring will indeed occur if the right conditions are met, or if enough time passes (according to a very popular theorem involving a monkey and a typewriter).

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Research: Our Web Browsing Habits Have Prehistoric Roots

Humans are very specific in their needs. The less we have to work for something, the more spoiled we become. However, not all of our seemingly arrogant demands are the product of ignorance. The need for control, for example, has been rooted in our subconscious since the Stone Age.

Liraz Margalit, PhD, is resident psychologist at ClickTale. According to Margalit, our need for control has a subconscious impact on everything we do. And that includes web browsing.

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These 10 Rules For Success All Have Something Big In Common

Here at 4PSA we love inspiring quotes. Hence our Quote of the Day series, but I’m not here to talk about that. Instead, I want to delight you with this neat chart by Ninja Infographic that outlines 10 golden rules for success, backed with famous words from the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt, Bill Cosby, Steve Jobs, and Pablo Picasso. But unlike other top-10’s I’ve seen, all these have one big thing in common.

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These Startups Tell Their Fail Stories So You Don’t Have To

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

It’s a good idea to look at other people’s mistakes every once in a while. As humorist Sam Levenson once said, “You can’t possibly live long enough to make them all yourself.” In business, it’s vital that you avoid practices that have “high-risk” written all over them. But that’s not the only way you can fail as a startup.

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Prediction or Inevitability? By 2030 We’ll Be Fully Merged With The Cloud

Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash

Someone took Transcendence very, very seriously. Allegedly, our entire beings will be merged with the cloud via nanobots in less than 15 years from now. That, according to Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google.

If anyone knows anything about information – how it’s stored, managed, and shared across the globe – it’s probably the guys behind the world’s biggest search engine. Speaking at the Exponential Finance conference, the computer scientist touched on many of his decade-old predictions, including one about human nature and our restless need to evolve technologically.

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Computers Can Now Tell Pain

We still rely on hospital staff to tell whether a person – who is under medical treatment and cannot communicate – is in pain. But nurses might soon be able to go on a lunch break without worrying that their mystery coma patient will succumb while they’re munching away.

Researchers at UC San Diego have developed a computer vision algorithm that can assess pain levels by analyzing the patient’s facial expressions. It’s not a first, but the results of this new study are far more promising than ever before.

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Infographic – This Is What Happens To Your Brain When You Don’t Get Enough Shut-Eye

You don’t need to go to med school to know that spending too little time between the sheets affects your judgment. But you do need a degree (several, actually) to put together this amazing infographic that shows all the negative aspects of sleep deprivation. Who knew it shrank the brain?

Commissioned by General Electric and Mic, the chart answers the age old question: What does lack of sleep do to your brain? Well, here are some of the more serious implications.

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Quote Of The Day By Your-Guess-Is-As-Good-As-Mine

Photo by Danh Vo on Unsplash

Don’t you just hate unknown authors? They write the most amazing stuff and you don’t even have a face to put on their work. I jest, of course. I love writings by people who don’t bother signing their hand. It gives off a sense of mystery and romance, generosity on behalf of the author who dispenses wisdom and doesn’t seek reward. It almost makes the lecture even more worthwhile.

Whenever I stumble on a writing whose wordsmith is shrouded in secrecy, my restless imagination springs into action, struggling to fill in the blanks: How old could he be? What if it’s a she? I wonder what tone of voice he had. Where did he live? When did he live? Etc. Anyway, whoever wrote this one must have had a pretty good understanding of the notion of “support:”

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